Train journey

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I stand at the train station looking down the foggy track that goes on for longer than my eyes can reach. Peeta's arm wraps around me as my body shivers from the freezing temperatures, I can't wait to get to District 4 so I can feel the hot sun on my face again.

Everyone stands at the train station waiting for our train to District 4 to arrive. We did have the chance to take a hovercraft to District 4 which would only take 4 hours, instead of a 24 train ride but we all agreed to take the train as the hovercrafts reminds some people of the games, including me.

I finally see the trains bright lights break through the thick layer of fog. Once the train brakes at the station we all walk on and find our rooms. The train is huge! Even bigger than the one that took us to the games. I suppose it would have to be big if 9 rooms are needed.

We all walk towards the end of the train which is the biggest carriage as all of our rooms are there, it looks like a hotel corridor as there are 5 rooms on each side facing each other.

On the right side there are family rooms and on the left are normal rooms with double beds.

Mine and Peetas room is on the left next to Haymitch, then there's Annie and Finn, Johanna and Mitch, then Effie who is on the end. On the right side opposite our room is the Hawthorne's, Pollux and his family next to them, Delly and her family then Thom's family opposite Johanna and Mitch.

It was 1 o'clock and nobody had had lunch so we all agreed to meet in the food carriage at 1.30pm.

Peeta and I walked into our room, thankfully it doesn't look like the one we stayed in on the way to the Capitol. It's wonderful, the walls are pale blue and there is a king sized bed with a red duvet.

The bed looks so nice! Peeta and I only have a double bed at home. I set my suitcase on the floor and run and jump onto the bed flat on my stomach. I can hear Peeta chuckle from behind me. I sit up and stretch my hand out towards him, he takes it and I pull him onto the bed with me.

"We have to get one of these for the house!" I say, completely in love with the bed.

"I love it!" I say stretching out across the bed. Before Peeta can reply I say quickly, "But not as much as I love you!" I tell him as I crawl on top of him and graze my lips across his saying "I could never love anything or anyone as much as I love you."

Our lips collide and we kiss gently but passionately, Peeta runs his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance and I accept, returning the favour. The kiss deepens every second.

I'm brought out of my dream world by the opening of our door and Haymitch's voice booming through our ears "I'm taking your mini bottles of alcohol from you fridge as you do--" he's cut off by the sight of Peeta and I on the bed, basically eating each other's faces.

"Oh god you two, we've only been on this train for 15 minutes and your already at it." He growls, unimpressed.

By this point Peeta and I are laying next to each other, laughing at him.

"Urh, anyway I'm taking these." He grunts, shaking the bottles and stumbles out of the room. I can tell he's already drunk his mini bottles of alcohol.

"Come on, we better get ready, we are meeting everyone for lunch in 10 minutes. " I say and Peeta nods his head and we both get up to get ready.

Peeta and I walk into the food cart together, where everyone else is waiting.

"Look who it is. I didn't know if you two would show up and we'd be greeted by the banging and moaning from your room while we eat." He says, and laughs at himself.

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