Snow Day

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6 months later - January

Katniss POV

It's been 7 months.

7 months since Peeta and I tried for a baby and it still hasn't happened. I have been up for 4 hours now, worrying that I won't be able to have children.

I look to my left to see Peeta sleeping so peacefully. I feel so bad for him. I know how much he wants kids, he would do anything.

I start to feel quite sick, so I get out of bed quickly but quietly, trying not to wake Peeta and run to the toilet to test myself.

I take the test, and sit on the toilet seat waiting for the result.

When it beeps I'm to scared to check, but I make myself look.

I turn it around and it reads negative.

I can't take it any longer.

I fall to the floor and sob.

After 5 minutes I hear footsteps coming towards the bathroom.

I look up to see Peeta.

He looks at me and then to the test in my hand.

"It's negative isn't it." he asks with a shaky voice.

I look to him and sniffle. "I'm sorry." I say because I feel awful.

He sits down beside me and pulls me into his lap as he strokes and kisses my hair as I cry into his chest. I feel a few of his tears fall onto my head.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for Katniss, it's not your fault." He says.

I lift my head from his chest and look him in the eyes as he looks down on me.

"What if we can't have children Peeta?" I ask.

"It won't come to that." he says, looking down. I can tell he's trying to keep it together.

We stay like that for 30 minutes, comforting each other when my stomach starts to make weird noises.

"Hungry?" He asks laughing

I nod, smiling.

"I'll go and make breakfast. Blueberry pancakes?" he asks.

"You now me too well!" I say with a giggle.

While Peeta goes to make breakfast, I get up to wash my tear stained face, then make my way downstairs.

When I get downstairs I look out the window and notice the ground is covered in shimmering, white snow.

"It's snowing!" I shout to Peeta like a 2 year old who's never seen snow before.

Peeta just laughs at my enthusiasm.

"Can we go play in it later?" I ask, again like a two year old.

Peeta laughs again. "sure. We can play tag, and hide and seek!" he says, treating me like a child.

"HAHA!" I say sarcastically.

I leave the window and go into the kitchen where there's hot pancakes waiting for me.

I sit down opposite Peeta and shove 4 pancakes down my throat. They are just to nice to waste!

"Can we go outside now." I whine like a little girl.

Peeta laughs and nods.

I jump out of my seat, grab his hand and drag us both upstairs to get changed.

I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my hair in a braid.

I come out of the bathroom and Peeta is already changed in a thick sweater and pants. I go into my closet to look for something to wear but I don't really have a warm sweater so I grab one of Peetas thick sweaters and put that on. Peetas clothes are always better than mine, they are so much cosier and they smell of bread and pine.

Peeta comes out of the bathroom and looks at me and smiles.

"Why are you wearing my clothes? Not that I'm complaining, you still look beautiful." he says all romantic.

I feel my cheeks heat up. "I prefer your clothes, they smell like you." I say smiling shyly.

Peeta walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "you look beautiful with or without clothes." he says and kisses me softly but passionately.

When we pull away I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. "I love you." I whisper into his ear.

"I love you too, more than anything." he whispers back.

I let go of him and grab his hand, pulling him out of the room. "come on, I want to play in the snow!"

Peeta laughs and follows me out of the front door, into the soft snow.

I look at the houses in the village, they all look so pretty. Like they're shinning from the sun beaming down on the snow. I'm pulled out of my trance when I feel the freezing cold snow slide down my bare back. I scream and turn around to see Peeta laughing hysterically.

"It's on Mellark!" I shout to him as he begins to run.

I grab some snow from the ground and follow Peeta.

As I begin to get close to him I jump onto his back and put the snow all over his face.

After I have finished laughing, I jump off his back and face him. Giggling, I wipe of the snow off his face and kiss him.

I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist.

We both pull away when we hear Haymitch shouting "do you two ever stop making out?"

I laugh, gather some snow and throw it at him.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Haymitch says, clearly not impressed.

"Come on Haymitch, have some fun!" I shout.

He shakes his head, picks up some snow and runs out towards us.

I soon as I realise what he's going to do I grab Peetas hand and run. Haymitch starts to run after us, laughing.

I turn around to see Haymitch lifting back his arm and release the snowball. Before it reaches us, I turn my head back around and i feel it smash against my back.

Next thing I know it's turned into a huge snowball fight against Haymitch, Peeta and I.

I pick up some snow to throw at Peeta and throw it.

When it's near him he ducks and the snow ball goes flying over his head, into Effie as she comes out of her house.

She squeals at it hits her.

"I'm so sorry Effie!" I shout to her.

She doesn't reply and does something I never expected her to do.

She picks up some snow and runs towards me and throws it right in my face. Everyone bursts out laughing, even I let out a giggle.

All four of us spend the rest of the morning having snowball fights and making snowmen.

At 12.30 we all decide to go back inside our house for some lunch.


Thanks for reading, it means so much to me!! I know some nothing has really happened yet but I promise some exciting cliff hangers are coming!

If there's any thing you want me to include or anything I can do to make my story better please let me know in the comments!!


Josh Hutcherson is my entire world!

May the odds be ever in your favour!


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