The Big, Big, Big Day!

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It has been three months since the death of Pollux, Fleur and Bryony. The first few weeks were hard trying to get used to them not being around, but we coped. The triplets took their first steps last month. It was so odd because all three of them started walking on the same day. Rye has gotten very confident and is now running all around the house, running into walls and doors. However, whenever he does so, he never cries, only gets back up and starts running again. Willow and Aster on the other hand are not nearly as confident because they walk very slow, holding onto mine or Peeta's hand. The three of them are growing up so quickly. It feels like yesterday I was holding them in my arms for the first time.

The long awaited day has finally arrived, April 20th. Haymitch and Effie's wedding day. It has taken months of phone calls, invitations, bookings and fittings, but we are finally here. The day Effie Trinket will become an Abernathy.

Effie decided that I will be her maid of honour, Johanna and Annie will be her bridesmaids, and Willow will be the flowergirl. Haymitch also asked Peeta, Aster and Rye to be his best men, which they gratefully accepted.

The boys are getting ready at Haymitch's and the girls are coming over to our house to get ready for the big day. We still have two hours until everyone arrives and the triplets haven't woken up yet so Peeta and I stay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms with this new found pleasure called 'peace and quiet' that was stripped from us the day the triplets were born.

"I still can't believe Haymitch and Effie are actually getting married." I say, laying my head on Peeta's chest.

"It feels like yesterday we were getting married." Peeta says, kissing the top of my head.

"The happiest day of my life. And of course the day the triplets were born." I say smiling.

I sit up from where I was laying, and look at my husband. All of a sudden, I am reminded of the terrible things Peeta went through 8 years ago. Although Peeta has never told me in detail the torture he went through in the Capitol, I know first hand what Snow is capable of. Peeta Mellark, the bakers son who was innocently chosen to be a tribute in the games twice, losing his leg in the process, getting tortured and hijacked by President Snow. My boy with the bread, went through all of this suffering and to this day shows no weakness.

I suddenly feel the urge to comfort Peeta. To let him know that I am, and forever will be here for him. I move into his lap and wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his. He moves to wrap his arms around my waist, and I dig my face into his blond curls.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks, a touch of worry in his voice.

"I know I tell you multiple times a day, but it doesn't seem enough. There are no words to describe how much I love you Peeta Mellark. The three words hold no where near enough meaning for you to know how much love I have for you. You would have said it so much better, but I just wanted you to know." I say.

"That was perfect." He whispers. "I love you too, Katniss Mellark. So much."

I lean back and let my lips find his. We shared our first nine years ago, and since then the love I feel for my husband whenever we kiss has only grown stronger and more powerful.

Soon enough we are brought out of our dream world by a loud crash that comes from the triplets' nursery. We break apart, and as we are getting up from our bed to go and see what happened, Rye comes running into our bedroom.

I bend down and he runs up to me, falling into my arms. "Rye, what have you done now, hmm?" A beautiful, yet mischievous smile creeps onto his face and he begins to giggle as Peeta and I enter the nursery.

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