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21st June


It's 11.30am and today is Katniss and I's first wedding anniversary, we are going to the lake for the day but right now getting up is the last thing I want to do. Katniss is still sleeping in my arms, and I'm worried I'll wake her if I get up. She has been having a really hard time sleeping lately because the babies have been moving and kicking non stop.

She starts to wriggle and squirm a little, and then she opens her eyes. I feel myself break into a huge smile, just by the fact I'm actually married to Katniss. "Good Morning beautiful."

She smiles back at me, her beauty in no way exaggerated. "Good Morning." She says. Her eyes widen and brighten up as if she just remembered. "It's June 21st!"

I nod, still grinning, "I know. Happy Anniversary."

"Happy Anniversary." She whispers as she leans closer to me, pressing her lips to mine. We share a sweet, but passionate kiss, and break away before it leads to something more intense.

"I thought we could go to the lake today?" I ask her, already knowing the answer because she loves the lake as it reminds her of the happier times in her childhood.

She nods eagerly before pecking me softly on the lips and getting up. I decide to get up too as its 12.00, and we should get going soon.

We decide not to have breakfast as it is 12.00 and we will have a picnic at the lake. We both dress and then make our way to the lake.


Katniss and I sit on the grass under the willow trees by the lake, her head on my lap and me stroking her hair, much like before the Quarter Quell when we were on the roof together.

We just ate lunch, a mix of cheese buns, sandwiches and cupcakes. I swear more food ended up on the grass than in our mouths as we decided to have a game of 'Who can catch the most pieces of cheese buns in their mouth.'

I'm startled when Katniss suddenly sits up from my lap. "What's wrong?"

"I just had an idea. The willow trees." She points above us at the trees. "That's what we should call our daughter, Willow."

She looks at me with so much love and happiness it sends shivers down my spine. Willow, I like it. I nod, smiling. "It's beautiful."

She takes my face in her hands and kisses me so passionately and lovingly, it's almost impossible to break away.

We finally do, and she lays her head back in my lap. "What should we call our sons?"

Her gaze turns to the rest of the woods and she stares for awhile. "What about Aster?" She ponders.

"Willow Mellark, Aster Mellark and-" I think for a little while and then it comes to me. "Rye Mellark. What do you think?"

She sits up again and I stare into her gorgeous grey eyes. "I think-" She says and kisses me lightly. "It's perfect."

We share a long loving kiss and then lay together under the willow trees for a while.

"Peeta Mellark, Katniss Mellark, Willow Mellark, Aster Mellark and Rye Mellark." Katniss whispers, staring at the sky as if she was talking to it.

I lean down and kiss her forehead thinking about our family, when Katniss brings me back to reality. "We need to get Hunter and Noahs birthday present, the party is tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I got it yesterday on the way home from work. I got them both a truck set." I tell her, continuing to stroke her hair.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you, too."

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