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August 15th

"So, you two are expecting triplets?" Peeta's father asks.

"Yeah, in 3 months." I say, and I can see Peeta smiling from the corner of my eye.

Peeta hasn't spoken much since I convinced him to come back here. I don't know why, although I know he's thinking about something.

"Okay, I know this might be a sensitive topic but, how are you alive?" Peeta, blurts out.

There's silence and I can tell non of them want to answer his question, but then his father speaks,

"When they sent in the fire bombs, we didn't follow Gale and the people following him because we didn't trust they were heading to safety." He begins slowly. "So, we ran to this very house because we saw it wasn't getting bombed. We stayed her until all of the hovercrafts had disappeared and then fled to the woods because we new we wouldn't be safe here. Thankfully we took as much food and supplies as we could to the woods and lasted about two weeks, then we arrived at District 10. We only just about survived the attacks on the District. We have been there ever since. We didn't have the courage to come back until now."

It's silent as Peeta and I take in what Peeta's father just said. It's overwhelming, what they went through. I still could never forgive Peeta's mother for putting Peeta through all the torture as a child but I have gained some respect for her.

It only now registers that we still don't know where Peeta's other brother, Theo, is and I begin to fear the worst.

It's as if Peeta read my mind when he says, "What about Theo? Where's Theo?"

The three of them look at each other for while, then Peeta's brother Max speaks. "Theo, Theo is dead."

I only talked to Theo a few times after our first games. It wasn't anything special, just small talk really, but he meant so much to Peeta.

I force myself to look at Peeta, and his face is filled with sorrow.

"How?" Peeta whispers.

I move up closer to him and take his hand, making sure he knows I'm here for him. He squeezes my hand gently, letting me know he understands.

Max speaks again, "When the firebombs hit, we were all running for the woods, then he remembered about Alys, his girlfriend, and went back for her. We haven't seen either of them since."

Once again there is silence. You can hear the heartbeats of the others in the room. The silence goes on, and on, until I break it.

"It's getting late we should probably get to bed. It's been a long day." Everyone nods. They are going to be staying here for a while, until the get their own place. "I'll go and make up the beds."

As I'm walking up the stairs, I turn back and look at Peeta who is staring at my intensely.

As I am changes Max's bed, Peeta walks in a sits on the bed. I put down the sheets and sit next to him, laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's weird, you know. I accepted that he had died years ago, but now, It's like the wound has re-opened, and it hurts even more."

I don't know how to respond, so I just try my best to comfort him.

We all head to bed after that.

"What do you think they will be like?" I ask Peeta as we lay in bed. His hand rests on my bump and mine rests on top of his.

He thinks for a while then says, "Dark hair, grey eyes. Beautiful, just like you."

I laugh at his sweetness. "I think they will have blonde curls, and big blue eyes." I smile at the thought.

"Okay, okay. Blonde curls and grey eyes." Peeta says, smiling.

"Perfect." I say and reach up to kiss him. Even after seven years when we first kissed and I felt the fireworks throughout my whole body, I still feel them every time we kiss.



Thank you for reading, commenting and voting, it means so much to me that you are actually enjoying this story!!

Twitter - @peetasbread7

-Megan x

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