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I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately, however hard I try I can't get comfortable. Peeta has been trying to help but being almost nine months pregnant with triplets there isn't much I can do.

It's 4.30am and I have given up on sleeping, so I came into the nursery. Peeta finished painting it last week, it's beautiful. He wouldn't tell me anything about it or let me see it until it was finished but it was definitely worth the wait! The walls are aqua and on one wall Peeta painted a giant dandelion and on another wall the lyrics to 'Deep In The Meadow.' Of course when I saw it for the first time I cried buckets, this pregnancy has made me go soft.

The whole nursery is beautiful and whenever I come in here I get more excited for them to arrive. There are three cribs lining the wall with the giant dandelion on it and a changing table and chest of draws against the opposite wall. Against the wall with the lyrics on is a couch and a small table that holds the camera baby monitor that Beetee gave us and on the ceiling is the mobile that Effie got us that plays 'Deep In the Meadow.'

I'm startled when the nursery door opens, but relieved when it's Peeta.

"What are you doing up?" He asks, coming over to sit next to me on the couch.

"I couldn't sleep." I shrug. I look up at him, and worry takes over his face.

"Katniss, you look like you haven't slept in days." He says, stroking my cheek.

"I'm fine, honestly." I say, but the huge dark circles under my eyes and a yawn doesn't help my case, so I let him take me back to bed.

Remarkably, I actually sleep. The problem with being pregnant is that you struggle to get to sleep, and when you finally do, you struggle to wake up. So, with that theory I sleep right through until 4pm.

I sit up in bed, unsure of where I am because I have slept so late. I fling both of my legs over the side of the bed and, with difficulty, lift my self up from the bed. It takes a long time to get down the stairs by myself but I get there in the end and I find Peeta in the kitchen.

His head shoots up from whatever he was writing when he notices my presence in the room.

"Hey. Are you okay? You should have called me and I would have helped you down the stairs." He says and I go to sit down at the table opposite him.

"It's okay, I'm fine. How did I sleep this long, anyway? You should have woken me." I tell him.

"Well, I know you haven't been sleeping lately and since you actually got to sleep, I didn't want to wake you." He says.

I nod. "What are you doing?" I ask him, looking at the sheet he was writing on.

"Oh, this. I'm just making a list of the rest of the things we need to get for the babies." He says.

I slide the sheet in front of me and look over it. I thought we already had most of the things we needed but the list is fairly long and it begins so scare me a little.

"We really should get these soon. The doctors said that the babies are almost certain to come early as they are multiples. We want to be prepared." I say.

He nods. "I was thinking we could go shopping to get the rest of these tomorrow?"

"Yeah, okay." I say, smiling.


Peeta and I both wake up fairly late the next morning. As it's 11am, we decide to get ready and go straight to the baby store. Everyday I am grateful that it is winter, so I can cover my huge bump with a big coat and scarf.

We are out of the house by noon and we begin to walk to the store. It is only down the road, so I am okay to walk the distance.

I link my arm with Peeta's and he pulls me close to him.

"Okay. What do we need to get again?" I ask Peeta. I have been so forgetful lately. Effie calls it 'pregnancy brain', another wonderful side affect of being pregnant.

He laughs at me because we literally just went over the list at home. "More baby grows, coats, hats, and that sort of thing. We also need a bath and towels, and a pushchair too."

We already have most things and we had a lot from our family and friends at the baby shower.

I nod. We arrive at the baby store and as soon as we walk in, I am overwhelmed by the excitement I feel for our babies to arrive.

We go looking for a pushchair first. There are so many to choose from. Different colours, styles and sizes. I don't really have a clue but in the end Peeta and I choose a red and black one that had three seats, of course.

I am sure we spend at least two hours looking at the baby clothes. We get baby grows, jackets, joggers, coats, bibs, hats and mittens. We also got all three of them a very fury sleepsuit each because when we first bring them home it's going to be very cold because it's winter. Finally, we pick up a bath, and towels, shampoo, that sort of thing.

We pay and somehow carry it all home. We place all of the bags in the nursery to unpack tomorrow, claiming we are to exhausted to do anything at all.


Sorry for not updating for a while. Some of the words I used in this chapter I really don't have a clue if they are used in other countries, so if you don't know what something means, just ask and I will tell you!! Thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting.

Twitter - @peetasbread7

Megan x

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