District 10

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"Peeta, have you got their blankets?" I shout from the top of the stairs, down to Peeta who is gathering the last items we need to pack for our trip to District 10.

"Yeah, we've got everything, Katniss! Come on, we'll miss the train other wise."

He shouts from downstairs.

"Okay, okay. It's just, you know what they're like if they don't have their blankets. I just need to make sure we have everything." I stutter, grabbing my coat and going downstairs.

Peeta holds me by the shoulders and says, "Katniss, stop getting so stressed! It's okay, I've double, double checked and we have everything."

"I know, I'm just scared because we've never been away with them before." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know, It'll be fine though. The triplets are excited, even though they don't really know what's going on, and we definitely have everything." He reassures me.

"Okay." I say and walk over to where the triplets are on their play mat. "I'll put them in the pram."

We made sure that the triplets are wrapped up warm as it's extremely cold as it's January. I put on their coats and boots over their thermal onesies and put their little hats on then place them in the pram before leaving for the train station.


Thankfully, District 10 is very laid back about our status in Panem. Peeta and I both agreed that we don't want Willow, Aster and Rye around the paparazzi since they are so young. Our trip to the farm in District 10 is proving to be trickier than we originally thought. Trying to keep Rye from crawling under the gates to get the the animals has been a challenge.

We are at the field with the llamas and Willow seems weirdly mesmerized by the animals.

"Do you like the llamas, Willow?" I coo, as I hold her in my arms as she struggles to reach her little arms over to the llamas. "Willow, say llama."

She struggles a little, just gurgling until she finally learns a new word. "Llama!"

"Yeah, Willow! Well done, sweetie." I say and she begins to giggle and squirm in excitement.

"What's happened?" Peeta asks, pushing the pram with a sleeping Rye inside, and holding Aster in his arms.

"Willow learnt a new word! Tell daddy, Willow." I say.

"Ll..llama!" She says, squealing in delight.

"Well done, baby girl!" Peeta says to Willow, tickling her stomach lightly which makes her laugh even more.

"Did he finally tire himself out?" I ask Peeta, bending down to tuck Rye in the pram.

"Yeah. After I caught him trying to eat sheep fur, he collapsed in my arms." Peeta says.

"Oh my gosh! We are going to have to watch him, god knows what he'll do next."

"We should probably head back, it's getting late." Peeta says and we head back to our hotel.


The triplets have fallen asleep in the pram so we put them straight in the cots in the hotel room before Peeta and I collapse onto our bed. I lay my head on his chest, the rhythmic sound of his heart beat reassuring me that Peeta is here with me after all that we have been through.

"Rye has been spending way to much time with Haymitch! Haymitch has been rubbing off on him." Peeta laughs.

"They get along so well! Sometimes I wonder how they aren't actually related." I say, because it's true. Haymitch and Rye get along oddly well!

"He'll grow out of it, hopefully!" Peeta says and turning on the TV and the news channel is the first to come on.


The words that flash across the screen make me feel sick to my stomach.

Peeta and I stay silent until the phone begins to ring. Peeta picks it up and puts it on loud speaker.

"Katniss, Peeta it's Johanna. You need to come home now, there's been an accident."


I'm so, so sorry for not updating in a month! I'm sitting my exams at the moment so I haven't had much time to write. Thank you for sticking with me, it means the world!!

- Megan x

- Twitter - @_hutcherwife

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