All good things

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Authors note//

This will be the final chapter for Katniss&Peeta-Forever&Always. I must apologise firstly for the ongoing wait for this chapter. It has been almost a year since the last update. 2016 has been absolutely crazy with school and other things, I have found it nearly impossible to find the time to write this year. I have decided to end the story here as I know it will likely be another year before I update again and I could never ask my readers to wait that long again as it is just unfair. Before I end up writing an essay instead of an authors note, I'll get on with the final chapter. However, there will be a paragraph of thank yous and goodbyes at the end:) x


They say time flies when you're having fun. Personally, I don't particularly think that is all truth. Time flies. The last four years have admittedly been mostly fun, but there has also been pain, tears and anger mixed in there too. But regardless, time has flown. Willow, Rye and Aster are now 5 years old and are loving school. Every day Rye comes home with a different story of how he got yet another girlfriend.. If my calculations are correct he has 14 girlfriends as we speak. 

The three of them understand that Peeta and I are known all over Panem but they don't see us any differently from their friend's parents. They know to an extent that our childhood wasn't as happy as theirs and they know that Peeta and I grew up in a completely different Panem. They know about the scars and Peeta's prosthetic leg. They know about my nightmares. But they don't know why. The questions have begun but they are innocent and they don't yet know what the Hunger Games were and I'm thankful for it. Peeta and I hope to keep them unaware of those terrible games for as long as possible.

Peeta has next to no flashbacks anymore and the nightmares have reduced drastically. Effie and Haymitch are as happy as ever together and Johanna and Mitch got married last year. After all of the pain and anguish, we are as close to happy as we ever have been. 

I watch Peeta pack our picnic basket full of sandwiches and treats for our picnic in the meadow that we have every Friday when the triplets return from school. 

"I wonder if any of Rye's girlfriends have come to their senses and dumped him yet." Peeta laughs, packing the orange juice into the basket.

"Don't be so horrible, anyone would be lucky to have Rye as a boyfriend." I say, defensively. 

"Yes, I'm sure all 14 girlfriends go home each night counting their lucky stars as they look at the rocks Rye has given them as a gift." Peeta snorts. 

"He's just a romantic, Peeta. And who's fault is that?" I say.

"Hey, when did I ever give you rocks?" Peeta says.

"Never. I only got some burnt bread." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry for saving your life. Won't happen again." Peeta says, sarcastically.

I can't help but laugh as I wrap my arms around him. "Alright, alright fair enough." 

"Just what I thought." Peeta says, kissing me. 

"Come on." I say, breaking away. "We better go pick them up."

Peeta grabs the picnic basket and we take the short walk to the school. Rye comes storming out of the school first, followed by Aster and his small group of friends. 

"Mummy, daddy, all of my girlfriends dumped me. ALL OF THEM!" He shouts, very unimpressed. 

"Well, it's their loss, Rye. Don't you worry." I say kissing his mop of blond curls. 

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