Wedding day

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June 21st

I wake up and stretch my arm over to Peeta's side of the bed and find it cold. Then I remember it's the day of the wedding and it's bad luck to see each other before the ceremony. I miss Peeta's good morning kisses and his strong, muscular arms, I just want to see him so bad!

I sit up and notice a note with my name on it on the bedside table, I open it and it reads,


I'm sorry I'm not here when you wake up, believe me I wish I was to see your beautiful eyes open.

I'm missing you already and can't wait for you to come Mrs Mellark.

I love you so much I can't begin to explain, lots of love

Peeta xxx

I read the note as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts when Effie bursts into the room and sees me crying.

"Oh darling what is it?" She says soothingly and comes to sit on Peetas side of the bed next to me.

"Oh nothing I'm fine, Peeta just left me a note." I say wiping away the remaining tears.

She looks at me and smiles, "You really love him don't you?" She says smiling sweetly at me.

"Yeah, I really do." I smile and pull her into a big hug.

"Thank you Effie so much, for everything. I know I can be a moody bitch sometimes and I'm sorry but I honestly really mean that." I say to her, wanting to let her know how grateful I am.

"Oh darling, stop your wrecking my make up." She says with a slight giggle.

We both pull away with tears streaming down our faces.

"Come on, this is your wedding day can't be crying we have to get you ready!" She says wiping away the tears.

We both get up and then my old prep team bursts through the door as bubbly as ever.

"Katniss honey, it's been so long! Come on let's get you waxed!" Octavia says.

"Oh no Octavia I'm fine I don't need to be waxed." I say trying but failing to avoid it.

"Come on." She says pulling me into the bathroom. "You'll thank me later." She whispers and winks at me.

I try to work out what she means, and then I realise that she means what me and Peeta will get up to tonight and start to blush a deep shade of red.

After I have gone through the utter torture of waxing until I'm raw and have been put into an oily bath they begin on my hair and make up.

For the make up they just put on a bit of foundation and blusher with a hint of nude eyeshadow and some baby pink lipgloss. For my hair they put it in a simple braid bun at the back if my head and put some tiny dandelions in the bun. And of course for the dress I wear the gorgeous dress I saw in the shop a couple if weeks ago. I look beautiful.


I stand at the entrance of the meadow with my arm linked in Haymitch's waiting for our que to go down the aisle.

The music begins and that's Ivy's que to go. She carefully walks down the aisle dropping dandelion petals onto the ground.

Then it's my turn, as I walk I notice how beautiful the ceremony is. There is a piece of everyone here, my bridesmaids in their sea green dresses for Finnick, my bouquet of primroses for prim, the white chairs with rue flowers tied to the back for rue and the arch at the end of the aisle that Peeta and the vicar wait in made with Primroses and rue flowers for the both of them. I miss them so much, I wish they could be here too.

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