Don't leave me

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"PEETA!" I scream, running over to him with tears already streaming down my face.

I take him head into my lap, and brush his soft curls away from his forehead. I take my hand away from his head and it's full of blood. My hands are covered in my husbands blood.

"The ambulance is on it's way." Gale says.

I look up from Peeta and look around me, Annie is trying to comfort Finn who is crying hysterically saying sorry over and over again. Gale and Rose are trying to answer their confused sons questions, Pollux, Fleur and Bryony are sitting on a bench holding each other close, Ansel is trying to calm Delly down, Thom is rocking Calla back and forth and Mitch and Johanna are comforting Effie who's crying non stop.

I look back down to Peeta and stroke his hair and continue to cry. "Please don't leave me." I whisper to him, sniffling. "I love you so much."

I feel a hand on my back and Haymitch kneels down next to me.

"It'll be okay sweetheart." he says, but I can tell he's trying to convince himself too.

"What if it's not." I say through the tears.

He doesn't answer.

I hear sirens and I look up to see an ambulance coming our way, everyone moves to let the ambulance through but I stay with Peeta, I'm not leaving him.

The ambulance stops and 3 nurses get out and put Peeta in the ambulance, Haymitch comes over to me and tells me everyone's going to come down to the hospital and for me to go with him.

We arrive at the hospital and they wheel Peeta in, I never leave his side. When we get into the hospital they start shouting things and more doctors and nurses come out of nowhere wheeling him down a hallway. I try to follow when a nurse comes and pushes me back "he needs to go into surgery now, you'll have to wait in the waiting room Mrs Mellark." she tells me.

"No, no please. I need to be with him!" I say, trying to run after him.

"I'm sorry, this way please Mrs Mellark."

"NO!" I shout, tears streaming down my face.

"Come on sweetheart." I hear, and feel a pair of arms lift me up, Haymitch.

"No, Haymitch put me down." I shout, squirming around in his arms.

"Katniss calm down." he says walking over to the waiting room. He called me Katniss, he never calls me by my actual name unless it's serious.

We enter the waiting room and I see everyone else staring at me in concern. He sits me down on one of the chairs next to Effie and sits down next to me. I bring my knees up to my chest and cry into them, crying seems to be the thing I'm actually good at.

I've been waiting here forever, I need to see Peeta. Everyone when home except for Haymitch, Effie and Johanna and Mitch as the kids were really tired. I look at the clock on the wall and it's 11.30pm, I've been here for 4 hours and we have heard nothing.

"Haymitch, why haven't they told us anything" I ask him concerned.

"Just be patient sweetheart."

It's 12.00 now and I'm getting even more worried.

"I'm gonna find out what's happening." I say standing up.

"Hang on sweetheart." Haymitch says nodding towards the doctor coming our way. I sit back down slowly, not really wanting to know what he's going to say.

"Mrs Mellark?" the doctor says. I nod.

"Mrs Mellark, I'm doctor Hamley. Mr Mellark was in a very serious condition when he was brought here. Luckily we got him into surgery quickly so we could operate on his head and his leg that was amputated. Mr Mellark also has 3 broken ribs, and a fractured shoulder and ankle. He is currently in a coma, we cannot predict when he will wake up. I'm sorry."

I can't move. I sit there staring, trying to take everything in.

"Can I, can I see him?" I ask him in a shaky voice.

"Of course. Follow me, I'll show you to his room."

"I think we'll get going. We'll come by tomorrow." Johanna says with a sad smile.

"Yeah me too." Effie says.

"Thank you" I say to them both and hug them.

They leave and it's just me and Haymitch.

"You ready Mrs Mellark?" Dr Hamley asks.

"Yeah, sorry."

"I'll wait here sweetheart, give you some time. Come get me if you need me." Haymitch says.

"Thank you Haymitch." I say and smile at him.

I follow Dr Hamley to Peetas room.

"I'll give you some time. I have to warn you, it's not pretty." he says and walks away.

I'm terrified. I don't want to go in, but I know I have to.

I wrap my fingers around the door handle and gently push it open.

I stand in the door way as a single tear runs down my face.

My husband. My wonderful, lovely Peeta. Laying in a hospital bed with purple bruises everywhere, dried blood stuck to his soft blonde curls, bandages basically covering his whole body. Why him? What did he do to deserve this?


Ooo! What do you thinks going to happen to Peeta?? Thank you for reading and voting, it means so much!!

Love you and May the odds be ever in your favour!


Twitter- @peetasbread7

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