New District 12

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The air has turned bitterly cold and I wrap my jacket around me and pull my scarf over my mouth. I start to shiver harder as the cold air runs down my spine. Peeta notices this and puts his arm around my waist protectively and pulls me close to his body. I immediately feel warmer as we share our body heat. When we get into town I realise how different it is, compared to what I experienced when I was in 13. There are loads of new shops including clothes shops and furniture shops. They have just built a brand new, legal black market.

They are also in the process of building a new bakery that Peeta will manage.

After we have walked around for a while and have been in the sweet shop to buy some peppermint drops, we begin to make our way to the hob for a late lunch, until I stop to admire a dress in the shop window. I'm not usually one for dresses but I just fell in love with this. I nag Peeta to let me go in and try it on and he agrees.

When I come out of the changing rooms and see Peeta has wandered off somewhere, I come across the most gorgeous wedding dress. It falls perfectly to the floor and had small straps on the shoulders. When I turn it around I see that the back is almost as beautiful as the dress itself, it is not backless but the back hangs down and stops about half way down the back. It is also covered in tiny little pearls which made it stand out so much, as it reminds me of the pearl Peeta gave to me in the Quarter Quell.

As I'm running my fingers across the fabric, Peeta comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck.

"I haven't asked you yet, have I?" He says.

Yet? Was he planning on asking me? Am I ready? I guess if I was going to marry anyone it was going to be Peeta, I do love him more than anything in the world.

"Oh, uh no. I was just looking." I say, turning around to face him.

"Come on, are you getting that?" He asks me, looking down at the dress in my hands.

"Oh, yeah." I say walking over to the tills. He takes the dress out if my hands and I look at him with a questioning look.

"It's okay, I'll get it, I bet you look gorgeous in it." He says with a smile.

"Thank You." I say smiling back at him.

When we go into the hob, I go over and order some soup for Peeta and I and have a chat with Greasy Sae, while Peeta gets us a booth which they built into the new hob. When I'm done catching up with Sae, I take the leek and potato soup over to Peeta and we eat it in minutes.

It was 6.30 when we left the hob and was only then getting dark as it is early May. Peeta and I walked back to the Victors Village hand in hand and went back to our house as it is getting late, we curl up on the sofa and watch the news. I'm not really listening, I'm just enjoying feeling Peeta's big, soft hands stroking my hair as my head rests in his shoulder.

After about and hour, Peeta's hands start to slow down and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open, so I suggest we both head to bed.

I change into one of Peeta's old t-shirts, brush my teeth and lay down in bed. I won't sleep until I know Peeta is here to protect me from the horrors tonight holds.

He comes to bed and lays next to me, and I cuddle up to him using his arm as a pillow.

"Better sleep tonight, I'm taking you to the lake tomorrow for your birthday." He says kissing my temple.

"I totally forgot it was my birthday tomorrow!" I say, laughing.

"Good job I remembered." Peeta says, laughing too.

"Thank You" I tell him smiling, reaching up to kiss him.

When I break away I move in closer to him, so you couldn't even fit a piece of paper between us and my eyes close for the night.


I am so sorry for not updating in like two weeks, I feel awful! I have had so much homework and I'm going skiing on Friday so I had to get ready for that! I hope you enjoyed that chapter, I know it wasn't very interesting. Thank you for reading, commenting and voting.

- Megan x

- Twitter - @_hutcherwife

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