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I wake up to the sound of someone vomiting, morning sickness. I try to get up and realise that I can't move my legs, Katniss did say I had an operation. I really can stand hearing Katniss suffer and there's nothing I can do about it, I try to block out the noises but they are stuck in my head. I give up and put my pillow over my head, it helps but I can still hear it.

"Peeta? Peeta honey are you okay?" I hear Katniss say, clearly worried. I lift the pillow from my head and sit up. "I'm fine, are you okay?" I ask as she gets into the hospital bed next to me. "Yeah it's just morning sickness, why did you have your pillow over your head, was it hurting?" She asks stroking my hair lightly. "Oh no, I could hear you vomiting and I couldn't get up to help you, it was horrible." I say softly, looking into her beautiful grey eyes. She laughs slightly, "You really are too nice for your own good!" She says getting comfy in the bed. "Fine, I'll be an abusive husband who doesn't take care of his wife and leaves when their baby is born." I say laughing. "Please don't, you know I love how lovely and romantic you are." She whispers leaning in to kiss me.

Her lips move perfectly with mine, I could honestly stay like this forever and not get bored. Although I've kissed her so many times, each time feels like our first kiss. Each and every one is so meaningful and just amazing.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear somebody clear their throat. We both unwillingly pull away and see a nurse standing awkwardly in the door way. She looks about my age and she has long blonde hair that falls on her shoulders. Yes she's a pretty girl but come on, she's no Katniss!

"Peeta. It's good to see your awake. I'm nurse Brooklyn but you can call me Eva. I just need to take some tests to see how your doing if that's okay with you?" Eve asks smiling.

"Yes that's fine." I say as Katniss gets off the bed.


"Peeta. It's good to see your awake. I'm nurse Brooklyn but you can call me Eva. I just need to take some tests to see how your doing if that's okay with you?" She asks. She looks about my age and has long blonde hair, I have to admit she's really pretty. "Yes that's fine." Peeta says, as I get up from the bed so she can take the tests. I stand beside his bed and Eve walks over to Peeta and shoots me a glare.

"Could you pull your hospital gown down to your waist for me please?" She says a little too eagerly for my liking. Peeta does and she starts stroking his abs. WHAT IS SHE PLAYING AT? "Does this hurt?" She asks slightly seductivly and he shakes his head. "This?" she says again in the same tone. She's playing a very dangerous game here. "Okay well, I just need to check your leg. If you could pull up the bottom of your gown for me please." She says, walking to the end of the bed, shooting me a look in the process. Peeta lifts it up and i'm just grateful he has boxers on! She works her hand up his leg and keeps on going until she reaches his thigh and begins stroking the inside of it. There isn't even anything wrong with his thigh! "Okay it looks fine. I will have to check with Doctor Hamley but you will probably be able to leave in about 4 or 5 days, he will probably come by later to let you know for certain." Shes says and leaves.

I walk back over to the bed and lay down beside him again.

"Did you see the way she was touching you!" I say shocked. To be honest i'm slightly worried that he thought she was hot and enjoyed what she was doing.

"Must be because i'm so sexy" He jokes. Seriously Peeta? I nudge him with my elbow. "Peeta i'm being serious." I whine. "Katniss i'm joking. Why are you so worried about it anyway?" He asks. "I don't know." I say quietly looking down at my hands. "Come on Katniss, don't tell me your jealous."

"She was really pretty. Much prettier than me, I wouldn't be surprised if, you know." I say slightly embarrased that i'm actually jealous of her.

"Katniss." He says making me look into his blue eyes. "I love you. She might have been pretty but not nearly as gorgeous and beautiful as you! I would never leave you for someone else, your my whole world Katniss!" He says stroking my cheek. I feel a tear fall from my eye and he brushes it away with his thumb. " Katniss, you have no idea the affect you can have."

Authors Note

Sorry about that chapter I know it was awful, I just thought I would add a filler chapter because I don''t know how much I will be able to update this week and next week as I have exams:( Thank you so much for all the votes and comments I have been recieving, it really does mean the world to me! Love you all ad May the odds be ever in your favour! Megan x

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