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"Please welcome, the star crossed lovers from District 12, Katniss and Peeta Mellark!" Caesar shouts over the roars of the crowd. I squeeze Peetas hand, making sure he's here with me and we walk out onto the stage.

The crowd is going crazy, there are people screaming, crying, fainting, it's insane. Caesar attempts to calm them down but soon gives up because it's near impossible. I go over to hug Caesar, Peeta shakes his hand and we both sit on the red couch opposite Caesar. The crowd finally quietens down, and the interview begins.

"How long has it been since we last saw you both? 4 years? How have you both been? We've missed them haven't we folks!" Caesar shouts, and the crowd begins to roar again. "We've been brilliant, as you know we got married in June and it was the best day of our lives, since then there have been a few bumps but we got through them together." I say clutching Peeta's hand.

"When you say bumps, what do you mean?" Caesar asks, leaning in closer. I look at Peeta and I can tell he doesn't want to talk about what happened in District 4, so I answer. "We were at District 4 last month with the whole family, and we were on our way back from a restaurant when Finn Odair ran out into the road, and Peeta ran out to push him out of the way and Peeta got hit by a truck. He was in a very serious condition and was in a coma for 2 weeks." My voice cracks towards the end, and Peeta kisses me on the forehead softly, calming me down.

I hear sobs coming from the crowd and sympathetic sighs. Caesar looks at us sympathetically, "Are you okay now Peeta?" He asks. "Yeah I'm perfectly fine now thank you Caesar, we got through it together." Peeta says, smiling at me and I smile back at him.

"You two are just too cute! Now listen, I think we are all thinking the same thing right now, will there be any tiny feet running around the Melllark household anytime soon?" Caesar asks us. Peeta and I decided that we were going to tell Panem about the baby today. I looked at Peeta and nodded slightly.

"Actually, Katniss is pregnant." As soon as Peeta finishes the sentence the audience is going wild. Screaming, sobbing, fainting. When we came onto the stage I thought it couldn't get any louder but I was obviously wrong. The noise is unbelievable and begins to give me a headache, I lean my head on Peetas shoulder and he wraps his arm around me.

They eventually calm down again and Caesar carries on. "Do you know the gender yet?" He asks. "No, I'm just over one month so I'm not that far along yet." I say.

Caesar nods. "Well that's all we have time for tonight sorry folks, hopefully we will be catching up with Katniss and Peeta very soon! I wish all three of you the best!" Caesar shouts, hugging me and shaking Peetas hand once again, and we both wave to the crowd and walk backstage hand in hand.


I finish brushing my teeth and walk back into the bedroom and get into bed next to Peeta. "I can't wait to get home" I say, snuggling into Peetas chest. "Me neither, I can't wait to find out what gender the baby is" He says, wrapping his arms around me. "Peeta we still have to wait 4 months." I say, laughing.

My morning sickness hasn't been so bad lately but my boobs have been really sore. I rub them and see Peeta in the corner of my eye looking at me weirdly. "What? I'm pregnant." I say and he laughs.

We both get comfortable and I fall asleep almost instantly, waiting for tomorrow when we can finally get home, again.


Thank you all so much for reading my story! Comment, vote, share. Leave feedback in the comments and anything you want me to add or improve!

Megan x

Twitter - @peetasbread7

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