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I dress Willow in a yellow sun dress that reads 'sunny days', Aster in shorts and a t-shirt that says 'My Mummy and Daddy love me' and Rye in shorts and a yellow and green t-shirt. I cover them all in sun cream as it is a really hot day and I don't want them getting burnt. I pack their bathing suits in the bag as Peeta and I will take them in the lake today for the first time. The bathing suits are full body ones, Willow's is pink, Aster's is green and Rye's is blue.

I take them into our bedroom and lay them down on the play mat. Peeta is dressed in shorts and is pulling a t-shirt over his body. I can't help but bite my lip as I stand in awe of my husband.

"You look handsome." I tell him with a smile on my face.

He smiles at me. "You look beautiful."

I laugh at him, "Peeta, I'm wearing one of your t-shirts, I haven't brushed my hair yet and I

haven't had a full nights sleep for months."

"You always look beautiful, Katniss." He says, still smiling. "You still have no idea the effect you can have." He mumbles the last part to himself, but I catch it and it makes me smile.

I shift through my wardrobe, trying to find something nice to wear. I come across a long floral dress, the dress Peeta bought for me the day before he proposed. All the memories come flooding back so I decide to put it on. I put my hair in its braid then go downstairs where Peeta has taken the triplets.

I find Peeta, Rye, Willow and Aster on the play mat in the living room. Peeta has Aster on his lap and Willow and Rye are sitting in front of him. Peeta covers his eyes then removes them with a 'peek-a-boo' which makes them all squeal in delight. Peeta is wonderful with all three of them, he would do anything for his babies.

I stand in the door way watching them in awe for a little until I glance at the clock which reads 2.00pm. We are meeting everyone at the lake at 2.30pm so we should get going.

I walk over to my family and kiss Peeta's head gently. "Are you ready? We are meeting every one at two thirty."

Peeta nods and picks up Aster and Rye while I pick up Willow. We would usually take the pushchair but it's really difficult trying to push it through the woods so we just carry the triplets.

Peeta and I walk through the woods with our children. I hold Willow on my hip and she sucks on the end of my braid, enjoying the sun on her face. Peeta walks next to me with Aster and Rye in his arms. The sun shines on all three of their blonde curls. They both look so much like their daddy.

As we reach the clearing to the lake, I see that Peeta's family, Gale's family, Pollux's family, Annie and Finn are already here.

We all exchange greetings, then we sit on the grass together. Peeta's brother, Max comes over and sits opposite us. Unlike Peeta, Max has his mother's dark hair. Apart from that, Peeta and Max look very alike. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks!" Peeta replies.

"Did you get a special present from Katniss this morning? There better not be any more babies any time soon!" Max says, wriggling his eyebrows.

When I realise what he means, I feel all of the blood rush to my face.

"God Max, you're almost twenty seven! Don't be jealous." Peeta replies, which makes me even more uncomfortable, so I slap his arm. Unfortunately, this causes Max to laugh even more. "Some ones not getting any tonight!"

Peeta tries to keep a straight face but fails and starts laughing. To my own surprise, I start laughing too. I guess I'm not as pure as every one thought.

Delly's family and Thom's family are next to arrive. To my surprise Effie and Haymitch are fifteen minutes late, but I guess it is a struggle to try and get Haymitch out of the house on time. However, Johanna and Mitch are the very last to arrive as they claim to have had 'unfinished business that needed to be attended to.'

Effie comes running over as soon as she sees us. She embraces Peeta and I, giving Peeta a happy birthday. Haymitch comes over a minutes later, "Happy birthday, Peeta!"

"Thanks Haymitch." Peeta smiles.

"Aw, look how adorable they are!" Effie coos, holding Rye in her arms.

What happens next surprises me. Willow crawls over to Peeta and slaps his leg, indicating that she wants to be held but then she lets out a "dada."

Willow's first word. Peeta looks so shocked but then picks up Willow in his arms. "Well done, Willow! You're first word!"

"Peeta she's talking!" I say, with a huge smile on my face. "She said dada!" I laugh.

"Well done, Willow!" I say, tickling her stomach.

Willow seems to love all the attention she is getting so she begins to giggle and squirm.

Everyone brought some food so we have a huge picnic. A mixture of sandwiches, cupcakes and fruit are past around. I feed the triplets little pieces of fruit and cheese buns which they seem to enjoy.

I look around at my extended family, who are smiling, laughing and talking. Gale and Rose tickling their 4 year old twins, Hunter and Noah until they can laugh no more. Thom and Flora, making daisy chains with 3 year old, Calla. Pollux, Fleur and 11 year old Bryony playing some sort of guessing game. Annie and an 8 year old Finn laying on their backs, watching the clouds float by, and Johanna and Mitch sitting near them having a full on make out session. A 6 year old Ivy teaching her parents, Delly and Ansel, a handshake. Peeta's father, mother and brother, Max laughing amongst themselves and Effie laying her head on Haymitch's shoulder. After everything that has happened, everyone around me is truly happy and I am forever thankful for that.

After we all eat, Peeta and I decide to take the triplets into the lake for the first time. I change them all into their little swimsuits and I take off my dress revealing my red bikini. Peeta is wearing shorts and I can't help but stare at my amazing husband. Peeta picks up the boys and I take Willow and we go into the lake up to our hips.

Peeta dips Rye and Aster's legs in the water and they start squealing and laughing like crazy. However, when I do the same to Willow she flips and start screaming and crying.

"Aw, Willow what's the matter? Don't you like the water?" I coo, bouncing her on my hip to sooth her. She grabs the end of my braid like usual and sucks on it, whimpering a little.

"Katniss!" I hear Effie shout to me from the side of the lake and I turn my head to see her. "Do you want me to take her?"

I nod my head and pass Willow over to Effie. Effie doesn't see looking after the triplets as a chore. Any chance she get's to watch the triplets, she is jumping at it.

I go back over to Peeta and take Aster out of his arms. Peeta and I splash the boys lightly with water and dip their little legs in and they seem to be having the time of their lives.

Peeta comes closer to me and whispers, "You look so beautiful in that bikini."

"I new you'd like it." I say, laughing.

Peeta starts rubbing the inside of my thigh, dangerously high. "Peeta" I whisper. "We can't! For starters all of our family are literally four metres away and we have our babies in our arms!"

He groans. "Tonight?"

I laugh. "Tonight."

So after we thank everyone for the gifts and birthday wishes, we begin the walk home. The triplets fall asleep on our shoulders on the way home as it's pretty late so we put them straight to bed, then go to bed ourselves. I guess you could say Peeta definitely got some.


I'm sorry for not updating in so long. My authors notes always seem to start like this! I said I would update more because it is Easter holidays but I didn't realise how busy I would be. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting, it really means the world to me!

- Megan x

- Twitter - @_hutcherwife

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