10 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Ten | Falling For Him

Selena's P.O.V

It was ten after nine—passed the time we needed to meet Gemma down at the bar for her get together before the rehearsal dinner tomorrow. She wanted all hers and her fiancé Louis friends together tonight for just a night of partying before the rehearsal dinner tomorrow but I was definitely not excited about having to go down there the rest of their guest had finally arrived and would be joining us tonight also.

Letting out a heavy sigh I looked myself in the mirror. It was a casual event I so, opted for a pair of black leggings, over-sized creamed colored sweatshirt, and cream converse. I let my hair brown fall down my back and put on minimal make-up considering I rarely wear it in the first place.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked when I emerged from my room and I nodded.

After the elevator doors closed, I found myself staring at Harry luckily; I was tagging along behind him. It was going to take some getting used to seeing him in anything other than an Armani suit he had on a grey t-shirt that fit him tightly showing off every inch of his muscular body, a pair of dark denim jeans, and black vans. I loved seeming him in his relaxed look.

The more I hung around and got to know Harry the more I realize he isn't as bad as I thought this was the first time ever we weren't at each other's throats like usually back at the office. I was for sure the moment I agreed to this whole fiancée thing that we wouldn't be able even to look in each other's direction without spewing venom in our words towards one another.

We sat in silence while Harry leaned against the wall of the elevator across from me staring at the buttons as they lit up for each floor we were passing. It seemed like he had been trying his best not to look in my direction but I was with that because it was a little weird sitting in a small elevator with nowhere to escape across from my boss just thinking about it made me tense up. I sighed in relief when the elevator dinged on the lobby floor and door opened.

"Hey, where is your engagement ring?" Harry finally spoke staring down at my bare hand. "You can't keep forgetting to put it on, Sele—"He started but I rudely interrupted not liking his tone. He had been on edge since we had got back from the beach.

"I didn't it's in my purse, moron!" I snapped before I pulled the diamond out and slid it on my finger.

I stepped off the elevator now feeling annoyed and into the lobby with Harry following behind me and led the way towards the Bar & Lounge that was near the spa it was packed there had to be at least one-hundred and fifty people inside of the bar right now laughing and chatting. It was full energy I could tell you that much.

The moment we entered into the bar Harry is bombarded by a few people I didn't recognize and for the first time since we had come back from the beach I saw a smile on Harry's face as he began hugging some of the people. After being introduced as his fiancée I made my way over to the bar sitting on the side that didn't have very many people on it I wanted to avoid Harry, his family (Which luckily his parent's decided not to come), and friends right now.

Sitting at the bar, I glanced in Harry's direction watching while he laughed and horsed around with some of his childhood friends that had introduced themselves to me earlier catching him steal few glances here and there but shrugged it off. I wanted to know why he was upset or angry with me right now; he had been giving me the cold shoulder since we returned to the hotel room from the beach as far as I know I hadn't done anything wrong. I tried to think but my train of thought was interrupted when I heard someone whistle and turned to spot Ariana entering into the lounge, and I inwardly groaned. Ignoring the feeling of annoyance just by her presence I pulled my phone out deciding to message Demi since I hadn't spoken with her in almost three days I typed a quick hello to her before tossing my phone carelessly on the bar counter.

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