40 | Falling for him

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⚠️ I intentionally made the chapter short. Sorry in advance. ⚠️

2017 © all rights reserved

Chapter Forty | Falling for him

Five months later

Standing in front of the full length mirror, I couldn't help but smile as I admired the beautiful gown that fit every inch of my body perfectly. It had been custom fitted and made just for me.

"You look gorgeous, Selena."

A familiar voice spoke from behind, startling me as I turned around to see Gemma slipping into the room unannounced with a smile.

"Thank you, Gem." I smiled, pulling her into a tight hug. "You look amazing yourself," I added.

"Mom would have loved to see you in this gown." She added, her smile turning into sadness as she looked down at her feet for a moment.

It had been a rough three months for us, Anne had passed away almost three months ago and it was definitely taking its toll on us lately. She was like a mother to me and it hurt knowing she was no longer here and she wouldn't be here to see her granddaughter grow up.

Pulling her into another hug, I rubbed small soothing circles on her back. "I know it's hard now, but I promise it'll get better." I spoke softly.

She nodded. "I know, but it's hard."

She said in tears as the door creaked open and we both snapped our heads up.

"Sorry, I am interrupting something?" Demi questioned as she appeared in the door with wide eyes.

"O—Oh no, your not come on in." Gemma sniffed, wiping her eyes as she motioned for her to come in.

"Welp, I am definitely glad I hadn't did your make up yet." Demi teased, looking at me while I wiped my also tear stained face.

"Whatever." I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"But in all seriousness are you two alright?"

We both nodded. "We are good. Hey Selena, I'm going to check on Harry and Aria." Gemma said before ducking out the room.

With that being said, I focused my attention on Demi and my eyes dropped down to her barely noticeable belly with a bright smile.

"What?" She asked, with a arched brow.

"How is my soon to be nephew?" I asked, excitedly.

Zach and Demi were expecting their first child in just a few short months and I honestly couldn't be more excited even though she was the least bit thrilled about it at first and almost literally murdered poor Zach when she first found out.

She groaned, rolling her eyes. "He is fine. Now, close your eyes because we are on a time schedule here."

"Have you thought of any names for him yet?"

I inquired before Demi turned the chair I was sitting in around and started to apply make up to face. I'll admit she was definitely gifted when it came to doing make up and hair.

She sighed. "Yeah, Zach wants to name him Levi and I don't hate the name so yeah."

"I think that's a adorable name for him. Levi."

"He also wants me to meet his parents next weekend." She added, with a heavy sigh. "But his mom already hates me, I've heard the phone calls and seen the messages from that vile woman."

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