32 | Falling For Him

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Chapter thirty-two | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

Two month, six days

Somewhere around nine in the morning, an ear-piercing ringing pulled me out of my deep sleep. I rolled over, still half asleep and glanced over at the clock that sat on the far right side of Harry's wall in his bedroom and groaned inwardly.

Sighing, I lifted my head up when the phone rung again and grasped it off the charger. I looked at the screen and nearly hit the decline button as I read the caller ID. However, I decided against it as Gemma's name continued to flash across the screen of my iPhone.

"Hello?" I answered the phone groggily, still not fully awake.

"Hi Selena," Gemma chirped, overly excited. "You're spending the day with the mom, Ariana and myself today." She added.

I instantly froze, if she thought I was going anywhere with Ariana she had another thing coming. I understood Ariana is a good friend of hers but I've had more than enough of that girl.

"Uh, thanks for the offer but-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer, Selena. We'll be over there in twenty minutes." She stated, ending the call before I could respond.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered, annoyed as I removed Harry's arm from around my waist and climbed out of bed, which caused him to sit up now awake.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked the question groggily, as he stretched.

"Your sister just called and told me we're having a girl's day. Your mom, Gem, Ariana and I." I said, "And she said they'll be here in twenty-minutes so I need to go get dressed,"

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go. I'll call Gem and tell her you're not-"

"No, it's fine." I said, honestly. "I'll be fine," I added, before I walked into the bathroom, started the shower and took quick shower.

I got dressed rather quickly, and was currently pulling my hair into a neat bun when I suddenly felt the baby moving around and my heart squeeze in my chest with excitement. I placed my hand gently on my rounded belly and a smile formed on my face.

The baby had begun to move around more frequently now and every time it happened my heart just filled with joy. I was actually excited about being parent as was Harry, but unfortunately he hadn't got a chance to feel the baby move. He (or she) mostly only moved right after I woke up in the mornings.

Excitedly, I emerged back into the bedroom from our en-suite bathroom, where Harry was still sprawled across the bed as the doorbell rung.

"You finished just in time," He laughed, pushing himself out of bed.

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes and smiling. "Do I look alright?"

"You look amazing," He smirked, as the doorbell sounded again and another text came in. "Now, come on before Gemma tears my door down and I have to murder her."

Harry placed his hand on the small of my back and gently guided me down the stairs, and toward the door. However, he paused before opening the door.

"Are you sure you want to do this before I open the door?" He raised his eyebrows in a serious manner.

I nodded, "Yes, I know Ariana is your sisters good friend I'll just have to deal with her." I replied and he nodded, pulling the door open to reveal Anne, Gemma and Ariana.

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