5 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Five | Falling For Him

"Would you stop that?" Harry's deep voice complained starling me.

I looked up to catch him glancing in my direction. I had been stressing since we had left the office headed to the Bistro to have lunch with his mother. I didn't feel comfortable lying to his mother. I mean I don't even know the woman yet it felt wrong and the guilt was beginning to eat at me and I hadn't even spoken to her yet. Just thinking about the situation had my heart racing so I placed my hand over my chest, as if that could slow my erratically beating heart.

"Stop doing what?" I asked him, wringing my hands back and forth nervously.

"Fidgeting!" He snapped.

Upon looking down, I realized I was indeed fidgeting. I stopped wringing my hands before turning in my seat to snap back, "I can't help it!"

I let out a shaky breath before continuing. "I—I don't feel right about this, I'm worried." My voice wavered more than I would like for it to.

Sighing, Harry pulled his car into the parking lot of this old-fashioned looking diner named Mandy's. It didn't seem like a place the rich, powerful, and extremely gorgeous Mr. Styles would ever dine at. Whatever the case it didn't matter to me anymore as my leg began to rapidly bounce up and down nervously. Finding an empty parking slot fairly close to the entrance Harry cut the engine before turning in his seat to face me. Close to the front, cut the engine, and turned towards me.

"Selena, do you want to call this off?" He asked sounding very much annoyed with me.

I shook my head, "No, I—I'm fine." I finished lamely.

"Good, now let's get this over with," He smirked while opening his door and stepping out. He walked around to my side of the vehicle before open my door and helping me out of the car.

I closed my eyes and took a nice deep breath before I heard the car door shut behind me. I opened my eyes then to see Harry offering his elbow to me. I took it and we began walking towards the entrance of the diner. The closer we got to the entrance the faster my heart began to beat and the tighter my grip on Harry's elbow became. I was beginning to think that Harry was immune to my vice like grip until I was suddenly yanked to a complete stop.

Harry had stopped walking and we were standing to the left of the entrance. When I turned to see what had halted us my gaze clashed with his piercing green eyes.

Looking me directly into my eyes while rubbing his hands up and down my arms he said, "Everything is going to be fine. Just relax and try to remember everything we talked about at the coffee shop a few days ago."

I was trying to speak but I couldn't get my brain to focus on much more than that small spark of electricity running through my arms from him rubbing them in a soothing motion. So, instead of speaking in the end I just nodded my head and we began walking towards the entrance again.

Walking into the diner, we are greeted by a friendly server. She smiled, winking in Harry's direction, which for some odd reason bothered me.

"Good evening, Mr. Styles." She said politely.

"Good evening to you too, Emily," Harry replied. He knew her? Did he come here often or something? He just doesn't take me as a diner kind of guy but more of an expensive restaurant kind of guy.

"Is it just the two of you this evening?" She asked, politely.

Harry shook his head, "Ah no not this time. We're actually here to have lunch with my mother."

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