6 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Six | Falling For Him

Harry woke up just moments before the plane landed stretching in his seat as a yawn escaped his parted lips. It had been a long plane ride and I had found myself unable to sleep the entire time I was too 'nervous' well at least that was one way to put it. I wasn't sure what to expect when the plane landed but I knew it was definitely too late to back out now.

"Wow, I must have been sleep for a long time." Harry yawned once again.

I nodded. "Yeah we're going to be landing in a few moments." I said.

"Good. So, did you get any sleep?" He asked, pulling on his seat belt as the pilot's switched on the fast seat belt sign and I did the same.

"I didn't get any sleep I don't do much flying and honestly am not a big fan of it," I said, not actually lying but not fully telling the truth I didn't do much flying but the real reason I hadn't slept because I couldn't stop playing over and over in my mind how this meet would come out.

"Flying get's easier the more you do it," He shrugged as the plane tires touch down onto the tarmac and taxied slowly but surely to the arrival gate.

As we walked down the jetway bridge that led into the airport I felt my nerves starting to get to me once again as I found myself second guessing this charade once again. The air had seemed to have gotten thicker and my breath caught in my throat as I stared around at the crowd of people in the airport.

"We're running a bit late, Gemma's rehearsal dinner starts in four hours. We need to check into the hotel, get settled, and then we're heading out." Harry said, not even looking up once as he tapped away on his phone. I'm assuming he was probably texting his mother or sister that we had landed.

"Okay, how far away is the hotel?" I asked.

"It's about a half hour away," He stated.

I groaned as we made our way through the crowded airport retrieving our luggage and headed outside where there was a town car waiting for us. It was weird having all these luxuries I mean I wasn't complaining but it wasn't something I was use to unlike I'm Harry who I am sure was, first class flights, town cars with drivers, and luxurious hotels.

But I had to remember he was a billionaire, after all.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at the hotel and I stared out the town car window and my eyes widened when I saw the name of the hotel written elegantly in calligraphy The Reef Atlantis. I gasped inwardly, the hotel was amazing. I was positive I couldn't afford a place like and I didn't even want to know how much it cost to just stay a night in this place, which place wasn't a sufficent description it was more of a palace.I thought to myself.

"This is the place," Harry said, grabbing his and mine bag and exited the vehicle while the driver helped me out the car.

Entering into the hotel we were instantly greeted by a friendly-looking bellhop who took our luggage for us and followed behind us to the check-in counter. There was a blonde haired woman who sat behind the desk that immidiately began to fix her hair and sit up straight when Harry and I approached the counter and smiled brightly.

"Well, hello there handsome," The woman said, in a flirtatious tone. Which for some odd reason annoyed the crap out of me. I noticed her shooting me glares here and there. "Are you two together?" She questioned.

Harry nodded. "Yes and we're running a bit late so I need this process to hurry along. I should have two rooms under Styles," He said in a impatient tone.

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