1 | Falling For Him

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one | Falling for him

Selena's point of view

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Selena's point of view

Pain, a dull throbbing pain, and an annoyingly familiar ring is all that I hear. It takes a moment for me to realize that one, that ringing is my alarm clock, two that dull throbbing pain is coming from the left side of my forehead, and three that I am one big tangled mass of long limbs, blankets, and sheets.

Groaning I try to roll over and figure out what that annoying ringing is, however, I'm still tangled in a mass of bedding and only succeed in wedging myself between my night table and bed frame even more. After a few more tugs, twists, and turns I'm finally free and able to stand. Upon standing I realize that the annoying ring is my alarm clock. I rolled over to turn it off and rolled right out of my bed bumping my head on the way down. I tentatively reach up and inwardly groan when I feel the goose egg forming on the left side of my forehead.

After I finish a lazy stretch and rubbed the sleep from my eyes I realized that it took me much longer than I realized to get untangled and I only had about fifteen minutes to get ready for work. Great another tardy on my record and another thing Mr. Styles will complain about. I swear the guy hates my insides and well the feeling is most certainly mutual. I've never met a more infuriating man. However, working for a designer such as he is going to so look awesome in the future, so I guess that it's worth all the crap he tosses my way.

Forgoing making my bed I quickly head into the master bath across from my bed to wash my face and brush my teeth before jumping in the shower. Taking the fastest shower in history I quickly step out and grunt at my reflection when I see my hair. Because of my clumsiness this morning I don't have the time to blow my hair out as I usually do. Instead, I towel it dry as quickly as possible and twist it into a top knot atop my head. Looking at the clock on my way to my wardrobe I notice I have roughly another seven minutes. Without much time to go through the many items of clothing I have, I decided on something simple with a bold splash of color will do. So I pull out a simple black cocktail dress and a yellow cardigan. I pair the two with a pair of black pumps with a sharp metallic gold toes. Grabbing my keys and bright yellow work tote I head out of the door with a minute to spare.

Unfortunately, traffic was horrible, and I arrive to work twenty minutes late. As the elevator dings on the 12th floor and I step into the office I spotted my best friend Demi. As I race past I look hopeful that he's not in a bad mood already but she shakes her brown curls side to side and I think oh no shoot me now.

I hurry around to my side of the office and see Demi had sent a quick office-wide email letting everyone know 'boss man, is in another of his moods. I peek above my computer screen and I can tell everyone now knows by the scrunched eyebrows and pinched nose bridges they know what kind of day it is going to be.

Letting out a sigh, I grabbed my yellow tote and began to unload it when Demi came rolling across the carpet in her desk chair.

"Where have you been Lena? Harry has been on a rampage all morning." She says, with a roll of her eyes.

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