23 | Falling For Him

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Chapter twenty-three | Falling for him

Harry's P.O.V

Three weeks, three days

The morning sun was what woke me up.

It had made its way through the curtains and onto my face. Shifting, I raised my head groggily and looked over at the clock. It was past seven, however, I didn't care and honestly I was not up for going into the office only to stress myself out breathing down my employee's necks about their deadlines and receiving the cold shoulder from Selena right now.

In the past three weeks, I had barely been able to concentrate unable to get those images of how upset Selena was that night out of my mind. In the days that followed, I wanted to explain my side of the story (the truthful side), of the story but decided to wait until she had calmed down. The truth was I had been drunk out of my mind that night at Ariana's place and honestly nothing happened between us.

I'd barely been able to stand when we returned back to Ariana's apartment and she had, had a few drinks herself but definitely more sober than I was. I'll admit I was a bit handsie with her and flirting but it went no further than the kisses because before it could I had completely blacked out on her sofa.

Sighing, I shook those thoughts from my head, pulled back my cover and swung legs over the side of the bed tiredly. Before heading downstairs, I hopped in the shower and quickly dressed in a white button up and black dress pants.

Entering the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water, my phone and car keys before exiting my home and leaving a note of things for my housekeeper to clean this morning.

I arrived to work about twelve minutes later, exiting the elevator on my floor I headed in the direction of my office not wanting to be bothered right now. I had a meeting at ten, which I needed to push back so I decided to stop by Selena's office on my way towards mine. Which I didn't mind speaking to her, the only way she spoke with me was if it were work related she was strictly business in the office lately but I couldn't blame her for still being upset with me.

"Ms. Gomez, I need you to—"I spoke as I entered her office looking down at my phone but quickly stopped in my tracks as she lifted her head wincing a bit.

Her face looked pale and as if she were going to be sick, she rubbed her forehead sighing before opening her mouth to speak.

"Good morning, Mr. Styles. What did you need me to do?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Yes, I need you to push my meeting with Elliot this morning back to two?" I stated, unable to tear my gaze from her.

She nodded slightly, "Yes, is there anything else you needed?"

"No thanks," I replied, before heading to my office but froze in my tracks and turned on my heel. "Hey,"

"Hm?" She hummed.

"I know it's none of my business, but I'm concerned. Are you feeling okay?" I questioned, genuinely concerned about her.

"Yes, you're right it isn't none of your business. But yes I'm perfectly fine," She responded, with a forced smile.

Without another word, I inwardly groaned before I started back towards my office but noticed Selena stand to her feet and nearly collapse to the floor. Dropping all my belongings that were in my hands, I swiftly caught her before she could hit the floor as my heart dropped into my stomach.

"Okay, nope, something's wrong and I'm sending you home." I stated, as I helped her back into her chair.

"I—I'm fine, I—"She tried protest.

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