21 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Twenty-One | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

Walking into my office, I set my latte and bag down on my desk before I shrugged off my sweater placing it behind my seas as I eased down in my chair.

I found myself glancing over at Harry's office, which had the door closed and the lights still switched off. I actually hadn't heard from or seen him since the night we were intimate and that been three days ago. I know it didn't seem like a long time but it still concerned me.

However, my thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket and I quickly grabbed it only to see a group message from Demi sent to everyone on our floor.

Group message from Demi:

Boss mans in the building and he isn't looking to happy right now. Look alert and look as if you're actually doing some work because everyone on this floor knows no one on this floor does anything.

Sighing, I tossed my phone carelessly across the desk wondering where had he been these past three days but pushed those thoughts away and got to work not in the mood to be barked at by Harry right now. I had been working for about a good ten minutes before I noticed Harry and Liam walk past my office chatting amongst each other.

It had been a dull morning in the office, I had finished up my work and was now shopping online for a few pairs of shoes and sweaters as I sipped on my Pumpkin spice latte, while everyone else around me worked none stop.

Somewhere around noon, there was a sudden knock on my door and I looked up to see Anne standing in my doorway, with a small smile spread across her face and I quickly turned around to Harry's door that was closed but he was definitely in there. He hadn't come out once from the moment he arrived to the office.

"Hi Selena, is Harry in his office?" She questioned, with a bit of an angry tone.

I nodded, "Yes ma'am, did you want me to go and get him?" I questioned, a bit nervous.

"Oh no, sweetie, you just sit there and relax. I need to speak with him it has been three days he hasn't returned any of my calls and when I stop by his house he's never there or so his maid says." She stated.

Without another word, I nodded my head as she stormed off towards Harry's office and knocked viciously. It was obvious Anne was upset with him and I wanted nothing to do with that.

Harry's P.O.V

I had been in the middle of going over the budget for my designers when a sudden loud knock nearly caused me to jump out of my skin. Groaning aloud, I slammed my pen down annoyed and walked over to the door snatching it open furiously only to be caught off guard by my mother.

"Mom what are you doing here? Can't this-" I startled but was interrupted by her as she barged in.

"-Wait? No it can't." She hissed,

"What the heck is wrong with you!" she shouted and I instantly ran to the door and popped my head out to see a few of my employees staring including Selena.

"Everyone can get back to work unless someone wants to be standing in the unemployment line," I snapped and everyone quickly focused back on what they had been doing as I closed the door behind me.

"Seriously, arrested Harry?!" She shouted as she slammed a magazine down on my desk that had both Justin and I both in handcuffs. "And I had to hear about this through my friend!"

"Mom bring your voice down everyone in the entire office can probably hear you right now,"

"Who cares I'm sure everyone in this office knows about the fight and you can't deny it the evidence is all over your face with all those cuts."

"Alright, I made a bad judgement call and I'll admit it was dumb-"

"Darn right it was dumb! Harry you have a child on the way you can't be this stupid and reckless."

I sighed, "If you're only hear to criticize me I honestly don't want to hear it right now. I have too much on my mind right now and don't need this right now." I hissed.

"I'm done with this Harry get your crap together." My mom said before she snatched her purse up and stormed out slamming the door behind her harshly as I winced.

Groaning, I waited until I was sure my mom was out of sight before I grabbed my laptop and sent a email out to Selena.

Email: SGomez@gmail.com

Next time someone comes for me at least give me a heads up before sending them into my office. Got it? Or possibly ask if I'm busy.

Also, cancel all of my meetings and appointments for the rest of the day. I'm going to be out for the rest of the day.

After checking over my message I sent it and within seconds she responded, obviously upset.

Email from: SGomez@gmail.com

Okay, there is a more respectful way to say that SIR and sure.

Sometimes that woman infuriates me but yet she still drives me insane. I just needed to get out of this office right now I needed to see anyone someone who wouldn't judge me right now.

Without thinking I grabbed my phone and dialed the one person I never expected to even run across my mind.
The phone rung a few times before she picked up.

"Hello? Ariana?" I answered.

Authors Note:

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile but school has had majority of my time but Thanksgiving break is here and I'm excited and will have time to write more over this week!

Also, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 80K READS you guys are amazing!

Let me know what you think I know it's short but I needed a filler. I'm not too happy with the outcome of this chapter.


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