33 | Falling For Him

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Chapter thirty-three | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

It was early Friday morning, and I was currently preparing breakfast to contain my excitement. We were learning the gender of the baby today, and I was already more than excited.

I continued cooking breakfast, which consisted of fresh fruit, bacon and pancakes. I had been in the middle of finishing the pancakes, when I felt a pair of arms enclose around my waist and I turned to see Harry with a smile spread across his face.

"Good morning, babe." He greeted, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Good morning," I replied, offering him a small smile.

After I finished cooking, Harry and I sat down together and ate our pancakes, bacon and fruit making small talk here and there. When we were finished eating, Harry cleaned our plates and put them away and I headed into the living room slipping on my shoes and grabbing my sunglasses.

Our appointment was at ten o'clock and it now nine o'clock. We didn't live very far from the doctors office but I preferred to be early rather than late.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked as he entered the living room a few moments later, opening the front door for me.

I nodded as I thanked him and stepped out the door and into the rather warm spring air.

I followed him down the steps of the porch and toward his car, easing into the passenger seat and buckled myself in as he closed the door behind me and slid into the driver seat beside me.

As we pulled out of the driveway, I settled back in my seat and found myself staring over at Harry as his eyes remained focused on the road. He looked rather excited right now and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"What's on your mind over there?" Harry asked curiously, looking over at me for a moment as he drove.

"Nothing much," I smiled and he simply nodded, with a small smile spread across his face as well.

With that, Harry and I made small talk to the rest of the way to the doctors office, mainly about who we thought the baby would look like and of course the gender. Which, Harry is still all for having a girl and myself a boy.

We pulled into the parking lot ten minutes later, and headed inside. The waiting room was surprisingly empty and it didn't take very long before we were called into the back.

The nurse came in a few seconds later and checked my vitals, which were normal as usual. Afterwards, she asked me a few questions about the baby's movements and any concerns I had.

"The little has been a bit more active and the movements are no longer those light little flutters, but very noticeable thuds and flicks." I answered.

She smiled, "That's great to hear, that means the little is growing and getting stronger." She said, "And here on your chart it says your due date is—"

"July twentieth!" Harry blurted, before she could finish.

Both the nurse and I eyes darted over in Harry's direction, with smiles on her our faces as his cheeks turned a rosette color and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

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