26 | Falling For Him

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Chapter twenty-six | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

On Saturday morning, I woke up too early.

However, I felt well rested, even though my mind had been restless last night. I had been raking my mind on how I would tell Harry about his impending fatherhood and got nowhere.

How was I even supposed to tell him? Just come right out and say, Harry, I'm pregnant. Just the thought of telling him put my nerves on edge.

Shaking my head, I sighed as I got out of bed ready to get my day started. I would just find a way to tell him on the way to restaurant today. I hopped in the shower, and got dressed in a flowy cream top, denim jeans, with a pair of white converse and pulled my hair into a neat bun. I just wanted to be comfortable today.

After I had finished dressing, I grabbed my phone to check the time but realized I had a message from Demi. We were still going to have our girls day today, which I was looking forward to I would need it after telling Harry we was going to be a father.

From: Demi @ 10:30am

Good morning Sel, please don't hate me. Zak called me this morning me to breakfast and afterwards if I could help him finishing moving in and I said yes. We have to postpone girl's night.

From: Selena @ 10:35am

No problem, enjoy yourself I can tell you like him. However, don't have too much fun ;-)

From: Demi @ 10:40am

I should have been the one telling you that! Right preggers? Lol.

I couldn't help but laugh at her message, as I replied. Even though I had been looking forward to our girl's night, I was fine with her flaking. I tossed my phone on the bed and decided to do a bit of work to past the time I'll admit I was behind on my work.

By the time twelve o'clock rolled around, my nerves were on edge. In approximately ten minutes, I would be sitting face-to-face with Harry.

Trying to calm my nerves, I grabbed my phone and keys and was out the door. The café was about ten minutes away from my house so it didn't take long to get there.

Entering the small mom and pop coffee shop, I instantly felt nauseous as the aroma of coffee greeted my nose. Usually I loved the smell of fresh coffee but right now it was making my stomach churn. Ignoring the feeling, I scanned the crowded café until I spotted Harry staring down at his phone in the far corner, near the window.

My heart started to beat erratically, and my chest felt as if it were tightening as I walked over toward the table. When I finally reached the table he focused his attention from his phone to me.

"Hey," He greeted, with a small smile spread across his face.

"Hi Harry," I responded, as I nervously sat in the chair across from him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, with curious eyes.

I shrugged, "Fine, I guess." I said, half-honestly.

I noticed him tense up as he sighed, "Okay, I'm just going to come outright with my apology, no need to beat around the bush. I'm sorry about the messages you got from Ariana, she must have found your number in my phone." He explained, "Honestly, nothing happened between Ariana and I, I had been plastered that night and I'll admit the video made me look bad. Yes, I kissed her neck and was a bit handsy, however, I never slept with her it went as far as that before I blacked out." He said, honestly and I sighed.

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