4 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Four | Falling For Him

Harry's P.O.V

When the elevator stopped on the 12th floor and the elevator doors slid open I quickly exited the elevator in a slight rush to get to my office without being stopped. Upon entering my office I turn to the left and flip the switch to turn on the lights. Walking further into the office I toss my briefcase onto the couch and head over to my desk where I slouch into my huge leather chair after emptying pockets of my keys and wallet onto the desk. Just as soon as I loosen my tie my phone begins buzzing in my inside suit coat pocket. With a heavy sigh I remove my iPhone from my jacket glancing at the screen I notice it's my mother. I just let it continue to ring before tossing it on the desk and reclining back in my chair again.

Leaning back in the swivel chair I feel something else poking me in my thigh, I slide my hand in my pants pocket pulling a small velvet box out and set it on my desk as I remember I need to speak with Selena soon. I heave myself out of the comfortable leather seat and attempt to straighten my tie and suit jacket before leaving my office in search of Ms. Gomez. As I near her office I hear lots of quiet giggling that soon turns into a full throaty laugh. I wonder who she's talking with.

Rounding the corner I see that her door is open so rap my knuckles on the doorframe lightly before leaning into it and placing my hands in my pants pockets. Whatever she and her friend were talking about came to a halt before they both turned their heads turned in my direction.

I clear my throat before saying, "Sorry if I'm interrupting you both but I need to speak with you Ms. Gomez. See you in 5 minutes." I spoke letting her know I meant to speak with her immediately.

Just as I sat back down behind my desk I heard someone knocking at my office door. "Come in." I spoke from behind the desk.

Selena peeked around the door before sashaying across the room to sit in one of the two chairs available in front of my desk.

"I thought we went over everything yesterday," She said before allowing me to speak.

I chuckled, "Yes, we did but this is on a different matter." I replied reaching for the small box that was sitting on the edge of my desk. I turned it right side up and flipped the lid open before turning the box around and placing it back on the desk.

Her eyes went wide as she gasped looking at me before shaking her head wildly. "N—No, no, I'm not wearing that I—I can't," She protested.

"Selena, you have agreed to be my fiancé for a week. And I expect for you to be my fiancé in almost every aspect of the word. Meaning you will wear my ring on your finger." I spoke not giving her any option to object. "This is but only another means of proof of our engagement."

"Fine.", she sighed even though she still looked uneasy and very much like she still wanted to protest.

Nodding my head I reach across the desk and remove the diamond ring from its perch inside of the small little box before walking around the desk and getting down on one knee.

"Oh Harry, you don't have to do this. It's just you and I here." Selena shakes her head before glancing back behind her.

"Come on Selena. Just indulge me." I goad her smiling up from my position on bended knee.

She turns back around a little grumpily. "Oh Alright!" She folds her arms beneath her breast.

Laughing a bit I reach for her left hand accidently brush my hand beneath her breast. Whoops didn't mean to do that. "Selena Gomez—"I begin still holding her left hand within mine and the ring within my other hand— "Will you marry me?" I smile up at her.

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