2 | Falling For Him

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two | Falling for him

Selena's point of view

        I finished making my copies in the copy room and headed back to my cubical to finish some designs I'd been working on earlier in the morning. Slouching down into my purple swivel chair I spun around giggling like a little kid before stopping in front of my computer and placing the copies off to the side on my desk. Time to get back to my newest idea for the Spring Collection. Or well at least I'm hoping to get a piece into the new Spring Collection but Mr. Jerk probably will shoot down this piece just as he's done the last three. About thirty minutes later just as I'm finishing up a last few final touches on my sketches I think I hear my name being called, but I've only needed a few more clicks of my mouse and I should be done so I ignore the voice. However, whoever is calling me isn't so patient and they start shouting. It takes me a minute to realize that it's Mr. Jerk himself.

        "Selena Gomez," He called once more in a stern voice.

        I glare at my computer screen one last time before swiveling around. I look up and squint through my glasses giving him a death stare before sighing and pushing to my feet. I take my sweet time walking over to his door.

        "Yes, Mr. Je... Styles, can I help you?" I stumbled over calling him a Jerk accidentally. He looks a little confused but shrugs it off.

        "Yes, could you step inside for just a moment please?" He steps back swinging his arm out to allow me space to walk by him.

        "Okay." I walk past him brushing against his body slightly. As I continue to walk into the spacious room I hear the door close behind me.

        "If this is about the portfolios sir I-"I begin but he raises a hand silencing me and walks over to his big leather chair behind his desk.

        "No, this isn't about the portfolios, Selena, and please have a seat." He nods to one of the chairs in front of his desk and waits for me to take my seat before taking his own seat.

        I take my seat and can't help but squirm a little under the intense scrutiny of his gorgeous emerald-green eyes. Whoa, where the heck did that come from?

        "Selena, uh you don't mind me calling you by your first name do you?" He asked and I can't believe that for once he has manners but I nod my head that it was ok.

        "Okay then, well I've called you in here because I need to ask a favor of you. Well, it's more of a business proposition." He leans back in his big leather chair swiveling to the side and steeples his fingers the way he always does when he's thinking. Selena get it together I scold myself. First the eyes and now you're noticing extremely minuscule things.

        I pull myself together and focus my attention back on Mr. Jerk before asking, "What kind of proposition?"

        He sighs before leaning back into his chair and pinching the bridge of his nose.

        "Okay, so as you know my sister's wedding is next week, and well I promised my mother I'd be coming..." He began.

        "And... I don't get it you already asked me to cancel your appointments for next week. What's this have to do with me?" I question leaning back in my chair with my arms folded.

        "I promised her I'd be coming with my fiancé." He replies.

        I burst into uncontrollable laughter. Mr. Jerk Face with a fiancé? Try him going on more than two dates with a woman first. Everyone knows he's the love-and-leave type. One of those amazing wham bams thank you ma'am kind of guys. As my laughter died down I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes only to see that he was serious.

        "I'm confused, sir. What do you making up a fiancé have to do with me and any business proposition?" I questioned.

        He sighed, "Well-"He swallowed hard as if it were hard to say. What was so hard to ask me? I thought to myself continuing to stare at him in confusion before he continued, "I need you to pretend to be my fiancée." He said, studying my face.

        I froze staring at him in shock not knowing how to reply to something so ridiculous. He wants me to do what!? Has he completely lost his mind? Why not just get one of his flavors of the day to pretend to be his fiancé? Or some other slut that's walking around the office.

        "Selena?" I heard him calling out to me and I blinked out of my daze to see him snapping at me.

        "I-I'm sorry, what did you say?" I asked distractedly, coming back to reality after being lost in my thoughts for a few moments.

        "I said, I need you to pretend to be my fiancée." He replied as serious as ever.

        "This is a joke, right? You can't possibly be serious right now?" I asked, still in shock by everything.

        "You should know by now Selena that I am not much of a joking person." He stated with a serious expression.

        I sat staring at him for a moment longer, who was watching me, waiting for my answer. He couldn't possibly be serious right now, could he? Did he seriously think I would agree to this? To being his fiancée, well his pretend fiancée? He had completely lost his marbles.

        "I-I'm sorry but I can't help you," I reply and stands to my feet rushing towards the door. I was ready to get out of the office and completely forget this conversation we had just had.

        "Wait!" He called out as he stood from his chair. "I'll pay you, give you a raise, anything you want. Just please," He pleaded and I widened my eyes. Harry was practically begging me.

        "No thanks," I reply and walk out the door heading to my desk in a hurry.

        Harry didn't say anything to me for the rest of the day. It seemed like he was avoiding me but I had been avoiding him also when we did run into one another once it was a bit awkward but I knew things were bound to be a bit awkward after the whole situation.

        When five o'clock hit I couldn't be happier to get out of his office, I needed to get as far away from Harry as I could right now.

        I packed my things up and head to the elevator pressed the down button. When I got to the ground floor I stepped off the elevator and walked into the parking garage over towards my car climbing into the front seat.

        The entire ride home I couldn't get Harry off my mind, I been attracted to him from the moment we first met only a few months ago. What is my issue? Harry is my boss and nothing else. I needed to get him off of my mind.

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