38| Falling For Him

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Chapter thirty-right | Falling for him

Four weeks later

The sound of soft distant crying woke me up as I rolled over and found the bed empty next to me, the sheets no longer warm indicating that Harry had been up a while.

I sat up, and looked over to see Aria's crib beside the bed empty also and grasped my phone checking the time. It was early, about nine o'clock in the morning.

Blinking groggily, I pushed the comforters aside to go and search for Harry and the baby when the door suddenly opened and Harry popped his head through the crack of the door.

"Good morning," He smiled.

He stepped into the room, with a tray of breakfast in his hands and Aria strapped to his chest in her baby carrier sound asleep.

"Good morning, what is all of this?" I questioned, with a arched brow.

"Happy Birthday, babe!" He chirped happily and my eyes instantly went wide. How could I have forgotten my own birthday? I thought to myself. "I knew you probably would have forgot with everything that has been going on these last couple of weeks."

"This is so sweet Harry, thank you." I smiled as he placed the tray in front of me carefully and lifted Aria from the carrier she was in and placed her into her crib.

"You're welcome, baby." He replied sweetly and walked over kissing me. "Enjoy your breakfast. I'm going to go and shower I have to go into the office for a few hours." He added.

"Okay," I replied, eating the food in front of me.

By the time I was finished eating, Harry has stepped out of the bathroom now fully dressed in a pair of dress pants and a white button up. He looked handsome to say the least.

"Okay girls, I'll see you guys a little later." He stated, grabbing his keys from dresser and walked over to Aria's crib giving her a kiss on the forehead before kissing me and exiting the room.

For the next few hours, I sat around the house watching television, messaging everyone back who wished me a happy birthday and playing with Aria until I got a text message from Harry.

Harry @ 4:00pm
Hey Selena, I'll be there in about fifteen minutes. Be ready to go out.

Selena @ 4:05pm
Where are we going?

Harry @ 4:10pm
It's a surprise. Just get showered and pull the white garment bag out in the closet.

Selena @ 4:15pm

After replying, I pushed myself off the bed, placed Aria in her swing and took a rather quick shower. I headed over to the closet wrapped in a towel when I finished and grabbed the garment bag placing it on the bed.

Unzipping the garment bag, a smile radiated across my fast as a beautiful red silk dress carelessly draped out of the bag. I quickly put on a pair of underwear, a bra and slid into the dress.

"Doesn't momma look pretty," I smiled, asking Aria who I knew couldn't reply back.

I was currently standing in the full-length mirror, a huge smile on my face as I looked myself over. This had been the first time in months that I had been able to look in a mirror and not have a huge belly in the way. I had to admit, I looked pretty good.

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