37 | Falling for Him

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Chapter thirty-seven | Falling for him

Harry's P.O.V

"Mr. Styles, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Dr. Vincent asked approaching me as I walked up the hallway coming from the cafeteria with coffees for both my mom and Gem.

"Uh, yeah sure." I replied, stepping to side with him. "What's happening? Is Selena alright?"

"We just finished preparing the O.R. and I just want to go over a few things with you." He stated handing me a clipboard of paperwork.

Taking the papers into my hand, I started to read over them and instantly looked up at him.

"W—What? What is this I'm reading?" I snapped, tossing the paper to floor. "In situations like this it's the hospitals policy to save the mother first?!"

"Calm down Mr Styles it's—"

"No, I won't calm down you told me everything was going to be alright!" I shouted, angrily.

"It's just a precautionary measure we take in these kinds of situations. We can't guarantee everything is going to be alright. No one can," He sighed. "And it's best that you know now if anything is to happen."

His words knocked the wind out my lungs and I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe, all I could do was stare at him blankly.

"Okay, I'm going to give you a bit of time to process the information. I'll see you in surgery." He simply said patting my shoulder as he walked past me.

Dragging in a deep breath, I ran my fingers through my hair numbly and fell against the wall behind me. I sunk to the floor, the wall cool against my back as I rested my head in my hands.

My heart dropped into my stomach when realization hit me. She could die. I could lose her, I could lose the both of them.

"What is going on out here?" My mom asked walking into the hallway and I looked up at here. "I heard you yelling,"

"Mom she could die, I could lose both of them." I said lowly, wiping my tear stained face.

"Harry, I know it seems like your world is shifting off its axis right now but I promise you everything is going to be fine." She smiled, the expression on her face calm as kneeling in front of me. "Now get up and go in there with her."

"Harry! You need to go get ready they're taking Selena down to the O.R. now." Gemma exclaimed, peaking her head out of the doorway as I spotted them wheeling Selena out of the room.

I cleared my throat and gathered my composure before standing to my feet. "Okay, I got this." I though to myself as I rushed behind the nurses and doctors wheeling Selena and laced her hands in mine.

"I thought you weren't going to be back in time." She said squeezing my hand gently. She was now in a different hospital gown and wore a blue bonnet on her head.

"I'm right here." I reassured her. "And I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Okay Harry, you need to go scrub up the nurse will help instruct you on what you need to do and I'll meet you inside of the operating room." Dr. Vincent stated before walking into the room.

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