Coming soon!

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Hey, guys!

I am back and so excited about sharing new stories with you guys, I know it's been a while since I last wrote or even updated you guys.

First off, I was supposed to edit this book a while ago but never really got the chance but as of this week the process will begin and I'm so happy about it! There are so many grammatical errors in this book and just so much needs to be fixed. A lot will change during this editing but the plot WILL NOT change! Lol

Secondly, there are new stories in the works and one that I will be published within' the next week or two! It's called Saving Selena and I've been working so hard on it and am so excited to share it with you.

P.S: OH EM GEE! Thank you guys so much for your love and support on this book and getting Falling for him to over a half a million reads! 🥰 and also being #265 in fan fiction, which doesn't seem like much but when you think how many fanfics are out here on Wattpad it's an amazing number! And #8 for Sarry stories 💕

[comment answer.]

one more note: I'll be removing all the author notes I have in this story and extra update pages. I know it's a lot of them. lol

Should rewrite this book? The plot of the story, I still very much like but I was young when I wrote this and have so many ideas on how to make it better. I don't know, you guys tell me.

Love you guys,

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