13 | Falling For Him

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Chapter thirteen | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

Shifting in the bed, I opened my eyes aware of something poking my arm. I looked around the room immediately noticing white walls surrounded me, and there was an IV in my right arm, which hurt a bit. As I rubbed my head is when it all came back to me I had, had an allergic reaction to the salmon I had eaten at Gemma's rehearsal dinner and now I was in a hospital.

"Selena? You're awake."

I turned to the right, and saw Harry sitting directly next to me with a concern expression on his face.

"I didn't ruin Gemma's rehearsal dinner, did I?" Was the first words I let out and Harry frowned.

"No, you didn't ruin my rehearsal dinner. I'm just glad you're okay." I heard Gemma's voice coming from behind me and I turned around to see her walking towards me. Apparently, she, Anne, Robert, and surprisingly Ariana sat on the opposite side of the room. "I didn't know you were allergic Salmon,"

"Yeah, I hadn't realized what it was until after I had ate it, I'm usually careful." I shrugged.

"The doctor says, you'll have that rash on your face for a few more days but besides that you'll be perfectly fine." Harry said and I quickly shot up asking for a mirror.

"What!" I exclaimed, reaching for a mirror that Gemma had pulled from her purse and Harry narrowed his eyes at her.

I nearly screamed when I saw the red rash around both my cheeks and fine bumps around them also. There was no way I would be attending the wedding tomorrow looking like I had just rubbed against poise ivy. This was the first time my face had broken out from a reaction, when I first found out I was allergic to Salmon at the age of seven I had only felt like a fist out of water and after I had been rushed to the hospital I was perfectly fine, no rash.

"Relax; it's honestly not that bad." Harry tried to calm me as the doctor entered the room.

"Oh good you're awake, how are you feeling?" He asked, with a thick Jamaican accent.

"Horrible," I responded.

"She's complaining about her face, besides that she's fine." Harry interjected.

He chuckled. "Well, I'm going to have the nurse take your IV out and get your discharge papers and send you on your way." He said and I nodded.

After the nurse had come in and took the IV out I signed my release forms and was helped to the car by Harry even though I told him about hundred times that I didn't need any help I was perfectly fine a bit lightheaded.

"I'm going to take her up to the room and meet you guys a little later," Harry told everyone once we entered back into the hotel and headed back up to our room.

When we finally arrived on our floor, Harry unlocked the door and I walked straight into the living area of the hotel suite and plopped down onto the couch.

"You know, you scared the mess out of me when you passed out earlier." Harry frowned, as he sat next to me. "I didn't know what was going to happen to you—"

"Why do you care?" I blurted out before I could stop myself but I was no longer able to hold in my questions. "Why do all of a sudden you care about me? Why did you kiss me? Just why did you choose me in the first place? As far as I know you completely hated every bone in my body but yet we get here to Jamaica and you're this sweet, kind, nice person I've never seen before and it's, it's just weird." I said quickly and his eyes widened in shock. Even though I hadn't had a problem with him kissing me, I honestly wanted him to do it again but I just needed answer.

"Because," He began, standing to his feet as he paced the length of the living area, and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "It started off as me picking a woman to be my fiancée that wouldn't become attached to me or blackmailing me after the arrangement and you were the perfect person you hated me, I hated you but then we got to Jamaica and something changed and I don't know it's just something about you that drives me insane." He stated and my eyes nearly fell out at his words. "Look I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or whatever—"


"I'll call the deal off—"


"I can get you a ticket by tomorrow and—"


"And then you won't have to—"

Grabbing a fist full of his shirt I pulled him towards me and connected our lips as his eyes instantly went wide and he pulled back staring at me in complete and utter shock.

"W—What was that for?" He asked.

"How else was I going to shut you up long enough to get a word in?" I said, as a smile began to play on my face.

"Okay, I'm confused now."

"Just shut up and listen, I didn't say I wanted to call the deal off and I never once said that I didn't like the fact that you kissed me you just immediately jumped to the conclusion that I didn't," I stated, blushing a bit.

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"I honestly don't know, but we honestly can't keep ending up in these situations. I'm your employee, and you're my boss. Isn't this like against a boss's code or something?" I stated.

He shrugged, with a sigh. "You're right not about the boss's code, I don't even know what that—just never mind." He shook his head with an arched brow. "I'm talking about you being my employee and I your boss, It's unprofessional and as of right now we can no longer get caught up in our feelings only if in front of my family as a act now why don't you go get some rest."

Even though I wanted so badly to be with Harry at the end of the day if we ever were to become an item and we ended things it would definitely cause controversy in the office. Alternatively, even just trying to sneak around my co-workers and his employees would be too stressful. I just needed to get through with this wedding tomorrow and then I could go home and be in my own home away from him to keep my emotions in check.


Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long for a update but I guess you can say I've had extreme writers block and honestly I might re-write this chapter when I can think of something better. Nevertheless, I hoped you enjoyed it!

NOTE: GO CHECK OUT @Izdalighte BOOKS THEY'RE AWESOME (LINK RIGHT HERE): http://www.wattpad.com/user/Izdalighte

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XOXO | Sydney_Sheridan

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