8 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Eight | Falling For Him

When I got into the elevator, I pressed the lobby button and pulled my phone out noticing the woman that had stepped in behind me, staring at me. I could feel her eyes on me.

I continued staring down at my phone ignoring her glares here and there until the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

For some odd reason, I didn't like that girl. It was something about her that I just didn't like.

I stepped out along with the girl and the elevator closed behind us.

I walked towards the map to the side of me that showed the entire hotel trying to figure out where the spa was located when I heard my name being called. My heart dropped at the familiar sounding voice. I closed my eyes, wishing I were anywhere but here. It was Anne. Turning on my heal I faced her direction forcing a smile.

"Hi Anne and Gemma," I said, noticing that Gemma was standing next to her. However, she wasn't paying much attention to me she was staring at something behind me.

"Hi dear, where is Harry?" She questioned.

"Oh—he is still upstairs—I told him I wanted head down to the spa but he wasn't interested in going with me." I lied through my teeth.

"Sounds like him but good Gemma and I were just about to head to the spa along with the other bridesmaids." Anne suggested, with a smile.

"Ariana!" Gemma exclaimed, running behind me. I turned around to see her hugging the girl that had been staring at me the entire time on the elevator and widened my eyes. Was that the Ariana that had, had Harry all worked up yesterday? I thought to myself staring at the girl.

"Hello Gemma," She smiled, hugging her back. "And it is good to see you again, Anne." She chirped walking over to Anne and wrapped her thin arms around her.

"Same here love, it's seems like ages since I've seen you." Anne smiled.

"I was just heading to the spa I was going to go looking for you guys," She smiled.

I was beginning to rethink going to the spa, definitely if she was going to be there.

"Oh Ariana, this is Selena, she is going to be one of Gems bridesmaids also. She is Harry—"

"Fiancée, I've heard from Gem. It's nice to meet you," She smirked, extending her hand in my direction and I shook it, "So, where is your engagement ring?" She added and I looked down to realize I had forgotten to put it on but why did she care.

"I must have forgotten to put it back on after getting out the shower, maybe I should run back up and get it." I stated trying my best not to sound annoyed. I could tell it would be hard to control my temper around her it was obvious there was tension between us. It was hard to believe Harry liked someone like her.

"No, no, come on. We're already running late," Anne blurted.

"I'll just meet you guys there it will be quick,"

I wanted to get as far away from Ariana as possible and Gemma, which is weird she had seemed so sweet yesterday but today she was acting as if I wasn't even here.

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