12 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Twelve | Falling For Him

Harry's P.O.V

It was clear that Selena had been avoiding me all morning, she had been out of her room a total of once, and that was just to get a glass of water before getting dressed for Gemma's rehearsal dinner, which was in forty-five minutes. Sighing, I paced the space in front of my bed, as the memories from the night before came flooding back but I quickly shook my head relinquishing those memories.

She had made it obvious last night that she didn't think of me the way I had about her, she didn't feel the same way I felt about her. I shouldn't have kissed her definitely with her being intoxicated it's as if I had taken advantage of her or something. I ran my fingers through my hair harshly taken to pacing once again in anger. It drove me insane or more like irritated me that a woman could affect me this much.

A soft knock on my door had interrupted my pacing and thoughts; I walked over and snatched the door open feeling a bit annoyed, and noticed Selena flinch back a bit startled. Her eyes wide in shock and I instantly calmed down.

"I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" She asked, quietly.

"No, I didn't mean to startle you." I said, this was the first time she had spoken to me or even came face-to-face with me all morning matter-of-factly. She looked stunning in the white dress she was wearing that was fitted around her thin waist and lace on the sleeves showing her skin, and her hair that hung down her back in big soft curls. Gemma had been specific on what colors she wanted everyone to wear to her rehearsal dinner; women were to wear white and men black and white.

"Its fine, I was just coming to tell you that Gemma just stopped by the room and said they're heading down to the hall now." She responded, refusing to make eye contact as she looked down at hands.

"Okay I'm ready if you are," I answered.

She nodded and I grabbed my phone before exiting our hotel room and headed to the elevator. We stood across from one another but she stared down at her phone refusing to even glance in my direction. It was obvious she wasn't going to mention or bring up the kiss, which meant I would have to.

"Selena, about the kiss yesterday I—"I began but was interrupted by Selena shaking her head as she held her palm up in my direction.

"It's fine, Harry. We both had been a bit out of it." She said, finally looking at me as the elevator dinged on the first floor and we headed to the hall.

We both came to a halt right before entering the hall and Selena slid the fake engagement on her finger and I held my arm out and she wrapped hers around mine putting a smile on her face. The hall was filled with I would say at least four hundred people sitting at a long table laughing and chatting.

"Look who finally decided to join us!" My mom smiled as she walked over hugging Selena and I.

"Hi Ms. Cox," Selena said, sweetly.

"How many times do I have to tell you call me, Anne. Ms. Cox is just so formal I'm your soon-to-be mother-in-law I don't want my daughter-in-law calling me Ms.," She stated as Selena nodded her head giving a small apology. "Well, come on you two you have seats next Gemma, your father, and me." My mom added.

Taking my seat, I noticed Gemma glaring in my direction but I knew exactly why she was doing so while Ariana sat directly across from me with a small smile starting to play across her face when she noticed me sitting down next Selena and I sighed wanting this to be over now.

"Now that everyone is here I would like to thank everyone who has cut time in their busy schedule to be here today—"Gemma started, with her speech while everyone watched, and listened.

After Gemma and Louis finished their speech there was idle small talk between everyone before the waiters came out placing plates of food in front of everyone and they all dug in.

"So, Harry, when should I save a date in my calendar to attend your wedding?" Ariana asked, with an arched brow as Gemma quickly focused her attention on Ariana narrowing her eyes.

"That's a good question; when do you to actually plan on tying the knot?" My dad added, with a smile.

I sighed, "I'm not sure yet, with the big gala coming up in Italy next month and right after that another gala Italy it'll be a minute." I answered half honestly, as Selena stared at me.

"Then you should do before the gala's Harry," My mom interjected, "You're awfully quiet over here what do you think Selena?" She questioned, turning in Selena's direction as she quickly shot her head up from her plate.

"O—Oh, um, whenever he's ready I'm ready. I've never been one for a big wedding so I'll allow him to do all that planning and what not," She shrugged before forking some of the food on her plate into her mouth.

"What! The woman is always the one to plan the wedding. That's a first our family is known for big, flashy weddings" Gemma exclaimed.

"Eh, I always wanted to just go to the court, get a witness that kind of thing."

"Well just let me know the date I'd love to be there and support you two," Ariana said with a wink.

I ignored her comment and faced towards my mother when I heard Gemma gasp loudly.

"Selena are you okay?" Gemma asked concerned, and I turned to face Selena and my eyes went wide. She was sweating like crazy and turning red in the face.

"W—What is t—this?" She asked, breathlessly as she pointed to the plate.

"Salmon, lemon, and asparagus," Gemma stated.

"A—Allergic," She breathed out, "C—Can't breathe," Were the last words she was able to get out before everyone went into panic mode as she gasped for air.

"Someone get an ambulance!" My mom and Gemma shouted simultaneously as I scooped Selena in my arms.

"We have no time to wait I don't know how Jamaica emergency system is set-up someone give me their car keys." I ordered as Ariana quickly tossed her keys towards me as She, Gemma, My mom, dad, and Louis followed me as Ariana showed me where she was parked and Gemma asked direction to the nearest hospital.

"Why didn't you tell me she was allergic?!" Gemma punched me in the arm when we finally reached the car and Louis and my dad helped me get her in the back seat and Ariana drove.

My heart was hammering in my chest I was terrified as Selena lost consciousness and it bothered me that I couldn't do anything about what was happening, I couldn't help.


Author's Note:

Another update! Woot Woot! I am enjoying writing this story and will be trying to update again soon I'm trying to update as fast as I can on all my stories but since I started this one first I guess I'm going to do more updates on this one. Because I want to finish this one before I finish the rest of my stories but any who I hope you like the chapter! LOVE YOU GUYS! Not a very long chapter but that's alright

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XOXO | Sydney_Sheridan

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