Yes, I am still alive (LOL)!

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Story time bro's

Okay, I know it's been forever and a day since I updated which with my track record is kind of normal. However, I had took a little "long" break from writing the story for awhile but just started the chapter back up this week. I'm planning on having it up soon.

Just thought I would explain why it's taken me going on three years to write this story. I started it around the end of 2014 and by the time February of 2015 hit I had lost interest in writing it but then I realized there were actually a lot of people who enjoyed reading it and decided to continue on writing the story. But then, I started college and that delayed the story more because it was taken me months to actually even put a chapter out for guys and I felt crappy about that and almost thought about deleting it for a moment. Well, it now as of today June 4, 2017 and I'm determined while school is out to finish this book over the summer.

Enough of my boring story! I seriously do want to thank everyone who have stayed and continued to read my story even though I've been awful at updating... you guys rock and are amazing! 😍❤️😭😘!!  I really do appreciate and love you guys so much! MUAH 💋!! XOXO


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