14 | Falling For Him

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WARNING: I wrote this chapter from my iPhone 5s so if they're any mistakes or misspelled words sorry in advanced but the entire story needs to be proof read and edited so and I probably won't due that until I'm finished with this story. But any who hope you enjoy this chapter :-)

2015 © All rights reserved

Chapter Fourteen | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

I sat watching while everyone danced around on the dance floor of the reception hall including Harry who had obviously one too many drinks along with a few others. Gemma and Louis wedding ceremony was long over and it had been a beautiful wedding and Gemma looked stunning in her gown but now we were sitting in the reception hall everyone enjoying themselves except myself I was feeling a bit tired and besides I wasn't much of a dancer so I refused to get on the dance floor even though Harry bugged me a million times.

Sighing, I eased back in my chair continue to watch everyone have a good time and let loose until I felt hand on my shoulder causing me to jump a bit startled. Quickly whirling around I saw Anne frowning at me.

"Why aren't you out there enjoying yourself?" She asked, in concern.

I shrugged, "I'm actually not in the mood for dancing, I'm a bit tired I've been up since seven o'clock." I answered, glancing back at the dance floor to see that Harry had now disappeared.

"That's understandable, it's been a long day even Gemma and Louis headed back up to their rooms already. I'll go round up my idiotic son and tell him you're ready for bed."

"No, no, let him enjoy himself this is our last night here and he should relax and enjoy himself before he returns to his stressful job." I said, honestly and Anne nodded.

"Alright dear, I'll see you later then I have to go get Harry's father he's danced on one too many tables tonight for his old age," She joked, walking away as I stood to feet deciding to go find Harry because he still hadn't appeared back on the dance floor.

Grabbing my purse, I walked out the ball room and into the hall headed towards the bathroom. I'm sure he was probably hugging a toilet bowl by now and needed assistance getting to the room, I laughed inwardly at the thought of seeing him hugging a toilet bowl.

However, that smile surely faded. When I turned the corner headed to the bathroom, I found Harry with Ariana pinned to the wall in a heated make-out session. I felt a flash of a anger surge through my every vain in my body, even though I knew he wasn't my real fiancé it still bothers me to see him and her tangled together like that on a wall right in front of me.

Harry gasped when he noticed me standing there and Ariana whipped her head in my direction, with a shocked expression plastered across her face.

Without a word, I stormed towards the elevator hearing Harry calling my name in the distances but I refused to look back at him as I headed for the first available elevator. We weren't actually engaged and he was welcomed to make-out or be with whomever he pleased this was just a business deal and I needed to remind myself of that I thought to myself as I approached a elevator headed to my floor about close shut.

"Hey, hold the elevator!" I called out, rushing toward the elevator and saw a handsome guy holding the doors back, with his hand as I stepped in and he quickly removed his hand.

"Thank you," I thanked him and he nodded in response, leaning against the wall of the elevator, with his hands shoved in his pocket and his ankles crossed.

We stood in the elevator in a uncomfortable and awkward silence. When he pulled his phone out of his pocket staring down at the screen is when I truly stared at him.

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