30 | Falling For Him

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Chapter thirty | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

One month, two weeks.

The bright streak of light streaming through the bedroom window was what woke me up the following morning. Yawning, I sat up finding myself in a good mood. I had a doctor's appointment today and am super excited to see how our baby is doing today.

Looking to the clock on the nightstand, it read eight thirty in the morning. My appointment wasn't for another three hours, which meant I needed to find some busy work to past the time so I wouldn't drive myself insane in anticipation.

Sighing, I stood to my feet and glanced down at my belly. It had been growing a lot in the past couple of days and I now looked unmistakably pregnant, which both excited and frightened me.

Pulling the curtains closed, I decided I would take a relaxing shower before I messaged Harry to remind him of our appointment today. He had been called into the office this morning and refused for me to come in.

He had told me I was not allowed to work for the duration of my pregnancy, which infuriated me but he left no room for argument so I had no choice.

I entered the bathroom, turning on the water and stripped out of my clothing. I spent a good amount of time in the shower washing my hair and body before shutting the water off and emerging back into my bedroom. I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth, curled my hair and applied a bit of light make-up,

After I was fully dressed, I went into the kitchen making myself some breakfast and spent the rest of the morning watching Law & Order: SVU on Netflix and relaxing until it was time for my appointment.

By the time ten thirty came, I found myself both excited and nervous.

I was currently still sitting on the sofa watching Netflix when my phone vibrated next to me. It was a message from Hearty and I quickly read it.

Harry @ 10:45am

I'm outside. Ready?

I sent a quick reply before I grabbed my purse and headed out my house happily.

Harry sat alone in his car offering a small smile as he reached forward opening the door for me and I climbed in excitedly.

"Hello, beautiful." Harry said, as he shifted the car into gear and tore up the road.

"Hey," I replied, with a small smile.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked, curiously focusing on the road.

"I'm alright, just so excited to hear his or her heartbeat and see how he or she is doing," I smiled, happily.

"I'm excited too," He chuckled, placing his free hand gently on my stomach and my heart pounded in its spot inside of my chest. He was going to make an amazing father.

When we arrived to the doctor's office, Harry pulled into the parking lot and we headed inside. There weren't very many people inside, we waited for about fifteen minutes, and then we were called.

"Selena Gomez?"

A nurse in purple scrubs called, with a friendly smile and both Harry and I stood to our feet and headed into the back.

"Hi Miss Gomez, I'm nurse Elle," She greeted, overly chipper and shook both Harry and I hands.

The nurse checked my vitals, which were normal before we followed her into a room and I eased onto the examination table.

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