11 | Falling For Him

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                                      Chapter Eleven | Falling For Him

Selena's P.O.V

        I was relatively sure I was going to pass out.

        I stood there immobilized at the sudden and unexpected action of Harry's it had caught me off guard as my heart raced in my chest and tingles erupted through every vein in my body. And without thinking I kissed him back and before I knew it Harry had pinned me to the wall of the elevator deepening the kiss as our lips moved in harmony and I wrapped my arms around his neck wanting more of him.

        The only thing that mattered in this moment was Harry and I, I had been so focused on the kiss I hadn't even noticed the elevator ding and the doors sliding opened until I heard a gasp and Harry and I jumped about ten feet away from each other as I noticed none other than Ariana standing there with her eyes bulging and her mouth wide open in shock.

        "A—Ariana, what are you doing here?" Harry let out breathlessly.

        "I—I couldn't g—get my keycard to work," She stammered out stilling looking a bit shock as my cheeks heated up in embarrassment. Usually I would be annoyed with her just standing there but right now I was too worried about the simple fact that I had just kissed my boss right here in the elevator and his ex-fiancée caught us talk about awkward and embarrassing.

        "I—I'm going to head back to the room," I quickly let out not able to get out the elevator fast enough. I noticed Harry reaching for my arm as I slid past Ariana but I was too quick and quickly sprinted to our room when I realized I didn't have my keycard but Harry had both right now. This is just fantastic, I thought to myself as I leaned against our door and slid down placing my head on my knees in frustration.

        How could I have been dumb enough to kiss my boss? Someone I'm supposed to despise because he's arrogant, self-absorbed, and a jerk but something changed in me from the moment I we arrived here in the Bahamas. I was beginning to feel something for him, which worried me.

         Leaning my head back against the door I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration when I heard my name being called and I snapped my head in the direction of the voice to see Harry walking towards me and I stood to my feet as he looked at me with a small smile.

         "Why did you leave? I have your keycard." He asked confused as he stepped closer towards me but I pressed my palm to his chest stopping him, which I regretted as sparks surged through my body at just a small touch and I quickly pulled my hand away.

         "W—We can't let what happened in that elevator happen again," I stated, sternly. "Maybe it was the alcohol or whatever but you're my boss and—"

         "You're right it can't happen again" He said, pulling a keycard from his pocket and opened the door and I walked towards my door but the moment my hand grabbed the handle I felt Harry wrap his arm around my waist and pull me into his body and cup my face as pressed his lips against mine once again obviously not listening to the words I had just told him outside of the door but I was kind-of glad he didn't. "What are you doing to me? I'm not supposed to feel this way about you." He whispered as he broke the kiss and placed his forehead against mine.

        "Seriously, Harry, we can't do this again before we end up doing something we'll regret later," I said, regrettably as I wiggled out of his grip trying to calm my still racing heart. If he keeps this up I'm positive I was going to have heart failure I'm not sure how much my heart can take.

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