39 | Falling for Him

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Chapter thirty-nine | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

"Hello, I'm looking for Anne Cox."

The man woman behind the counter looked up from her paper work she had been working on and smiled. 

"Okay, what is your relationship to the patient?" She replied as she typed in her computer.

"I'm her soon to be daughter-in-law." I stated as I shifted Aria's car seat in my arms.

Nodding, she continued to search her computer before looking up once again. "She's on the third floor, room 308."

"Thank you so much," I breathed and started for the elevator to the third floor.

When I reached the third floor, I lifted Aria and followed the directions the woman at the front desk had given me until I spotted room 308.

I stepped in the room, and paused as Gemma looked up from the chair she was sitting in and wiped her tear-stained face.

"Hi Gem." I greeted her, placing Aria down on the sofa beside the plastic chair Gemma was sitting in.

The room was filled with the steady beeping of Anne's heartbeat from the monitor connected to her.

"Hi Selena, she's doing alright for now. The medicine
they are pumping her with now makes her tired so she's resting right now." Gemma said quietly, settling back in her chair. "Where is Harry?"

Sighing, I looked down at the floor for a few seconds. I closed my eyes forcing back tears, I didn't want to talk about him right now. His word had actually hurt and I didn't want to think about him or the pain he he caused me earlier.

"He, um–" I paused, thinking of a good enough excuse but just as I opened my mouth to speak again Aria started to fuss in her seat and I honestly sighed in relief. "She is probably hungry,"

Gently, I lifted her from her seat and bounced her until she started to calm down and Gemma smiled.

"That is the cutest dress, why are you two so dressed up?" Gemma questioned and I looked down. I had almost forgot I was still wearing the dress that Harry had bought me for our dinner tonight.

"I almost forgot we were even dressed up. Harry was taking me out to dinner tonight for my birthday."

"Wait, today's your birthday?" She asked and I nodded. "Happy Birthday, I didn't even know."

"It's fine, it's not about me right now. I just want to make sure she gets better." I replied pointing towards Anne who was still fast asleep. I never admitted it but Anne was the closest thing I had to a real mom outside of my Aunt Laurie and I didn't want to lose her.

"I just can't believe she never told us or anyone for that matter. I probably still would have never known if she hadn't passed out in front of the house." Gemma said now frowning again. "She knew for months even before we went out of country for the wedding and just didn't say anything."

Settling down on the sofa, I placed Aria back into her seat and turned towards Gemma who looked as if she was going to be sick.

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