9 | Falling For Him

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Author Note: I'm sorry it took so long for a new update but with college starting back up I won't be able to update as often but I'll try to update as often as I possibly can so expect updates on Wednesday & Thursday they're my only free days and sometimes Sunday's it depends. But besides, that I thank you guys for being so patient with me and continuing to read, comment, vote, and follow. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Enjoy the update and comment

P.S.: This chapter is just a filler next chapter is when everything begins to get good! I'll try my best to have another chapter up by tonight if I can.


2015 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter Nine | Falling For Him

Harry's P.O.V

Stepping off the elevator, I turned right in the direction of the spa in order to save Selena from my mother and sister. I had finally sobered up after a few mugs of coffee and decided I was feeling nice and would help Selena escape the girls' day she was going to have to spend with my mother and sister today. Besides, it meant I did not have to spend the day with my father and his friends that were here for Gem's wedding also.

As I neared the spa, I could hear the girls laugh from the hall it was obvious they were having fun. I made my way into the spa and the first voice I heard made me wish I hadn't even come down here in the first place—Ariana. She was the last person I wanted to see she was the reason I had even started my drink binge last night.

"Hi Harry, it's good to see you." Ariana squealed attempting to hug me but I rejected her.

"Good morning ladies," I smiled, shoving my hands in my pockets. I scanned the crowd of women but couldn't seem to find Selena in the crowd of about twenty women standing before me.

"Hi Hazza, what brings you down here? I thought spa was too girly for you." Gemma smirked.

"Oh it is I'm just here for my fiancée, I forgot last night I promised her breakfast." I lied as I noticed all of Gem's friends staring at me batting their eyes and winking.

"No Harry she's spending the day with us," My mom, interjected.

"Mom I don't want to start breaking promises to her now." I smirked and noticed Ariana jaw tense up at my words. Apparently someone was jealous of my fake fiancée that actually made me feel good knowing she was jealous of Selena but I mean who wouldn't she was amazing and beautiful and wait a second. Harry get a grip you are losing it again I warned myself.

"Oh fine," Mom huffed.

"By the way, where is she?" I questioned, curiously. It was obvious she wasn't out here with the girls.

"Oh she's in the bathroom want me to go get here?" Ariana smiled.

I shook my head, "That's alright." I said coldly before heading towards the bathroom near the back of the spa and walked in looking for her.

Turning the corner, I spotted her sitting on the bench in the locker room wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her thin waste while she typed away on her phone. Avoiding my sister, her friends, and my mom in the process, which I found incredibly funny I cleared my throat causing her to snap her head up in my direction and scream pulling the white towel tighter.

"What are you doing in here moron?!" She exclaimed.

"I was coming to save you from the lovely spa day you're having but since I'm a moron I guess not-"I shrugged with a smirk before walking towards the door.

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