24 | Falling For Him

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                                                    Chapter twenty-four | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

I sat patiently in the waiting room, filling out a few forms that the receptionist behind the desk had given me while I waited for the nurse to call me back and hopefully it was soon. I was beginning to feel sick once again I had already emptied my stomach twice this morning. I finished the forms and handed them back to the woman as she smiled taking the clipboard from my hands and I returned to my seat pulling my phone out as it vibrated in my jacket pocket. It was a text message from Demi.

From: Demi @ 9:28am

Hey, let me know how the doctor visit goes. Text me and/or call me when you're finished and I'll meet you at your place.

From: Selena @ 9:30am

Okay, I haven't been seen just yet. I'm waiting on the nurse now but I'll let you know the moment I what's exactly going on with me.

I responded to the message as another came in but this it wasn't from her, it was from Harry. However, just as I about to read it I heard my name being called.

I looked up and saw a nurse in pink scrubs stood in the doorway leading to the back, with a clipboard in her hands scanning the crowd waiting for someone to respond. I stood from my chair nervously and followed her into the back room where she took my height, weight, blood pressure and vitals.

Well, Miss Gomez, everything is looking fine here." She stated, "You can wait in here for and the doctor will be in shortly," she added, motioning toward a room across the hall.

I thanked her before entering the examination room and climbed on the examination table nervously, I never really liked coming to the doctors but I didn't like being suck more. Trying to calm my nerves I pulled my phone out once again ready to check Harry's message when a man in his mid-to-late twenties came into the room interrupting me once again from viewing the message.

"Good morning, Miss Gomez, I'm Dr. Vincent." He introduced himself, outstretching his hand towards me and I shook it as a smile radiated across his face.

"It's nice to meet you Dr. Vincent," I smiled warmly.

"Well, what brings you in this morning?" He asked, flipping through some papers on the clipboard he was holding.

I sighed, "To start off I have a severe headache right now, I can't hold anything down and I have a nauseating feeling that refuses to go away—" I say, continuing to tell him my symptoms as he nodded listening intently.

He wrote a few things down on his clipboard before speaking.

"Hmm, that sounds like it can be a multiple of things. But mainly the stomach bug that's going around I've had about three to four people come in with those same symptoms today," He stated, "But just to be on the safe side like I told everyone my pervious patients. I'll have my nurse do a blood and urine sample." He added and I froze I never liked needles but if it was what I needed to get better I would have to suck it up.

He continued to ask some basic health questions, writing down things every now and then as I answered his questions. When we were finally finished he stood from his spin-stool he had been sitting on and shoved his pen into the pocket of his white coat. "Okay, the nurse should be right in for a blood and urine sample. Good meeting you Miss Gomez," He said before ducking out the room and closed the door.

Less than five minutes later, the nurse from earlier came into the room holding a package that held needles in placing it on the counter and laid the needles and jar on a clean cloth to the side and turned towards me with a smile on her face.

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