18 | Falling For Him

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                                                   Chapter Eighteen | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

Walking into Harry's office, I noticed Harry's mother in one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk. Whom the moment I opened the door whirled around in the chair gasping, with a shocked expression on her face.

"Oh my goodness! Congratulations both of you!" Anne exclaimed, before jumping up from her chair and ran over to hug me.

My eyes were wide, as I froze while Anne wrapped me into a hug and my eyes darted to Harry who eyes were just as wide as mine. Honestly, I am not sure what is going on but I'm seriously confused as to why I was being congratulated I thought Harry had told his mother we had called things off.

"For what exactly?" I questioned, with a confused expression.

"For the baby of course," Anne beamed, placing her hands on my stomach and I stepped back confused.

Just as I was about to respond, Harry stood to his feet rushing over toward my side.

"Hey mom, can I speak with my fiancée privately really quick?" He asked as Anne nodded, happily.

"Of course I'll be down in that break room I passed on the way here, I could use a coffee." She responded before she exited the office and Harry closed the door behind her.

"Okay, what the heck is going on?" I snapped, narrowing my eyes.

He sighed, "See, I kind of mentioned to her we're still engaged and that you're might possibly pregnant," Harry blurted, a bit nervously.

My head was swimming with a million different thoughts, none of which being appropriate to say aloud as I felt my hands balling into fist and my blood pressure elevating. I knew if I punched him, I would most certainly lose my job this time so I had to take a moment to cool down before responding.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" I said through clenched teeth so I wouldn't yell and cause a scene in the office right now.

"It just came out I wasn't thinking and now we're screwed! I honestly meant to tell her that we had called things off but then she came in all excited about planning a wedding and-"

"-and you thought oh let me add a baby in the mix that'll help!" I snapped, "News flash what do you think is going to happen in nine months when there is no baby or in a few months when my stomach remains flat moron?!"

"First off the sarcasm and name calling isn't needed we're adults here and second I haven't thought that far ahead okay!" He raised his voice an octave.

"Oh no, you don't get to raise your darn voice at me! I SHOULD BE THE ONE RAISING MINE!" I shouted, this time. "You told your mother I was pregnant! Out of all the things that could have been said, pregnant!"

"I don't need your crap right now," He hissed, angrily.

"You know what I need to get out of here before I exchange some choice words," I snapped, yanking the door open feeling annoyed as well.

Without another word, I stormed out for the second time today and headed toward my office when I felt a hand catch my arm stopping me.

"Where are you going dear? Did my idiot son say something to you to upset you?" She asked, in concern.

"Oh no, I'm fine I just need to get to my office I have a lot to-do today," I replied, with a forced smile.

"No ma'am I told Harry I was taking you out to start wedding planning-" She begun but I quickly interrupted.

Falling For Him | ✓ | editingWhere stories live. Discover now