17 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Seventeen | Falling for him

The aroma of bacon greeted me the moment I stepped through the door of the small mom and pop café. I had never here before let alone seen the place before but this is where Justin wanted to meet and to be honest I was only doing this lunch to make-up for the fact that I had waste his time earlier today forgetting the designs. My eyes swept the café for a second until my eyes focused on Justin who was sitting near the back of the café looking down at his phone as I headed in his direction.

"Hi Justin," I greeted, walking over to him.

Looking up from his phone, he smiled and slid the small cellular device into his pocket before motioning toward the seat across from him. I sat down in the chair directly across from him, setting my purse to the side of me.

"Hello Selena, how are you?" Justin asked, staring directly at me.

"Eh, I've had better days," I answered, with a shrug. "Listen, I'm sorry about what happened earlier with Mr. Styles and I want to apologize for-"

"-No need to apologize I kind of think he was a bit harsh on you," He interjected.

I snorted, "That's not even the-" I began but decided it wouldn't be professional to say anything that made Harry look bad and decided to just change the subject. "So, how are you enjoying California so far?"

"It's good finally got my condo together and it overlooks the water," He smirked, just as a server approached our table with a bright smile.

"Hello, I'm Ian and I'll be your server today. What can I get for the both of you?" He asked, pulling a small notepad from his apron and pulled a pen from behind his ear.

"Hello Ian," I said, grabbing a menu and quickly scanned over it. "Can I have a BLT sandwich with a lemon tea?" I questioned as he nodded scribbling something down on his notepad before turning toward Justin.

"Actually I'll have the same thing my good man except instead of a tea I'd like a sprite,"

Ian nodded his head before disappearing into the kitchen on the other side of the diner. However, it didn't take long for him to bring our food back out to us and I thanked him before he went to another table to check on other customers inside the diner.

"So, Ms. Gomez, where's that big pretty rock you were so happily flaunting on the plane?" Justin questioned, with an arched brow as he bit into his sandwich.

Looking down at my finger I mentally smacked myself I had totally forgot I had even mentioned the fact that I was so-called engage to him that day on the plane.

"O-Oh, um, it's at home I forgot to put it on this morning," I lied, with a shrug.

"For some odd reason I'm having a hard time believing that one. What women is going to forget to put on their engagement ring definitely one as flashy as yours,"

"I'm forgetful, is that a crime?" I snapped.

He chuckled, "Yeah, that's obvious considering today's disaster."

"It wasn't a disaster and it wasn't my fault" I retorted, narrowing my eyes. "If he didn't put me on the edge constantly or barking down my throat I could remember things."

"What's your fiancée name?" He asked, curiously.

"Why are you so nosey? I barely know you and you're trying to pry into my personal life."

"I'm not as you say prying I'm just curious," He stated, taking a sip of his cola.

Sighing, I decided I wasn't going to get around him asking me these questions over and over. I'm not sure why he was pressing so hard about this whole (fake) engagement but I was tired of lying and making stories that I can barely remember myself.

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