15 | Falling For Him

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WARNING: This isn't the best chapter and it's more of a filler sorry it's so short :-( PLEASE READ AUTHORS NOT AT THE END! (This chapter might possibly be re-written to be longer)

2015 © All rights reserved

Chapter Fifteen | Falling For Him

Selena's P.O.V

The airport was overly crowded as we managed to get our bags checked-in and to our gate, with not even a full hour to spare. It was loud and full of energy around us and Harry was beginning to revert into his usual annoying jerk self already as he groaned and complained about the hangover he was dealing with.

I eagerly sat in the chair waiting to board so I could be as far away from him as possible. Somehow, there had been a mix up and our seats weren't together but I had no issues with that right now even though his seat was directly across from mine so I wasn't getting that far away but far enough.

When we finally boarded, I placed my carry-on in the overhead in first-class and climbed over to the seat near the window while Harry did the same but instead of a window seat, he sat in the aisle seat because a women with blonde hair sat in the window seat. Sighing, I relaxed back in my chair and turned my laptop on deciding to message Demi and get a bit of work done that I had missed while in the Bahamas.

I started to type away when someone slid into the seat next to me and the smell of Versace cologne filled my nostrils. I brought my focus from the laptop up to the man in the Armani suit and realized it was the guy Justin from the elevator yesterday and he smirked when he recognized me.

"I remember you; it's nice seeing you again." He smiled.

"Same to you, um, Justin is it?" I questioned

He nodded, "And you're Selena right?"

I nodded in response, leaning forward to grab my phone is when I noticed Harry was chatting with the blonde sitting next to him with a big smile spread across his face. It annoyed me that even seeing him talk with other girls affected me but I quickly leaned back against my seat and checked the time just as the flight attendant came by asking that all electronic devices be turned off until we reached our destination.

"So, what do you do for a living?" Justin asked after about an hour souring through the sky.

Turning towards him, I said, "I'm a designer,"

"Interesting, I'm a designer as well." He replied, "Hey listen, I know I barely know you but want to get dinner sometime? I mean after all I do now live in California and obviously you do too and—"

"Let me just stop you right there, I'm engaged." I lied, holding up my hand that for some reason still had the ring Harry bough for me but this time I was actually happy it was there it helped with the lie I had just told him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't now,"

"It's fine but if you excuse I'm going to take a nap" I said, reclining the chair I was sitting in and closed my eyes in attempts to sleep but for some odd reason I felt my his eyes on me. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked, with my eyes still closed.

"Your eyes aren't even open how would you know if I was staring or not?" He chuckled.

"I can just feel your eyes on and it's quite uncomfortable." I huffed.

"It's just...what kind of man allows his fiancée travel to the Bahamas without him?" He questioned, curiously causing me to sit up and stare at him.

"Who says he isn't on this plane with me right now?" I arched a brow, kind of insulted by his comment.

He shrugged, "If I were him I would be sitting next to you on the plane and not somewhere else,"

"If the airlines makes a mistake with the seating or if there's an error it's quite easy to be split up, which actually happened and that is the reason I'm sitting next you Australia," I snapped.

He smirked, "I'm from Canada love, not Australia I thought I explained this to you"

I sighed, "I'm really not in the mood to argue with you and I can tell this is going to be a long flight with you next to me so if you don't mind can I sleep in peace without you staring at me?"

Chuckling he held his hands up in surrender and leaned back in his chair as I did the same closing my eyes once again trying to ignore the annoying man sitting directly next to me.

When the plane finally touched down in California I couldn't have got off the plane faster. After Harry and I had grabbed our luggage we headed out the airport, we both had different drivers. I had one to take me home and Harry had one to take him home, which I was relieved about I don't know if I could stand another close encounter with him right now.

The driver placed my things into the back of the car as I slid into the town car and he slid into the front seat starting to car and headed in the direction of home. I rested my head against the window pane staring out at each towering tree when I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text message from Harry and I smiled crept across my face.

From Harry:

Thanks again for everything! I really appreciate it and I'll tell my mom once we landed we got into some big argument and called things off to please her. Take the day off tomorrow and come in fresh on Tuesday J

I honestly felt bad that he was going to have to tell his mom things were off between us (even though there wasn't really a us in the first place), because she has grown to like me a lot over this week we'd spent together.

To Harry:

No problem, everything returns to normal Tuesday and we can pretend nothing ever happened between including the accidental kisses that were shared between the two of us back at the hotel it was a bad judgement call.

From Harry:

I agree, however, what if I don't really want to forget those accidental kisses from the Bahamas?

Reading the last message my heart literally skipped a beat in my chest I honestly didn't know what to respond back to his message because I felt the same way but he didn't need to know that. I wanted our relationship back at the office to be strictly professional I didn't want things to change and people to think anything is going between us.

Sighing, I decided to shut my phone off not knowing what to respond back and leaned back in my seat while the driver continued toward my home, which I could not wait to get back to and relax for a bit alone to clear my mind.


Authors Note:

I know, I know, a really short chapter but this is just a filler for the next chapter, which I plan to have up later on today or possibly tomorrow. I know I've been horrible with updates on this book and I'm going to try and update every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I've been awful at updating because I'm not really sure where I want to go with this story anymore I had plenty of ideas at first but now I don't know and I don't want to rush the story and make it horrible or anything, so, sorry if I take my time to update. And also I got a new idea for a story it's going to be called, UNTIL I MET YOU so please check it out when I post it :-) (OF COURSE IT'S HARLENA) LOL!

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XOXO | Sydney_Sheridan

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