3 | Falling For Him

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three | Falling for him

Harry's P.O.V

I grabbed my suit jacket off the back of my chair and slid it on. I bet Selena thought I was some weird idiot I had made myself look desperate and dumb earlier today I thought to myself while I locked up my office and headed down to the lobby where I was greeted by my receptionist, Katherine Marino.

"Heading home sir?" She questioned.

I nodded. "What are you still doing here, Katherine? It's hitting ten o'clock I don't want you leaving here late tonight it isn't safe." I told her honestly. Our lights in the parking garage need to be changed and I would feel horrible if something happened to her in the garage.

"Don't worry sir, Everett said he would give me a lift once he finished patrolling." She said and I nodded in her direction before walking out of the building into the garage to my black Range Rover sport beeping the alarm to unlock the doors.

Sighing as I slid into the driver seat, I couldn't get Selena off my mind right now. She was beginning to affect me I can't lie she is gorgeous but I needed to get her out of my mind and thoughts right now.

She is my employee and nothing more. I tried to reassure myself backing out of my parking space and starting down the ramp of the garage before hitting the street and heading in the direction of my house.

Twenty-five minutes later, I pulled into my driveway, unbuckled myself, turned off the engine, and got out of the car. I walked to my front door unlocked it and stepped in tossing my car keys carelessly in the bowl that was at the front door and headed towards the stairs and to my bedroom.

The moment I entered my bedroom, I stripped out of the suit I had on and slid on some grey pajama pants and a plain t-shirt. I grabbed my cell phone and laptop before I climbed into my king-sized bed and checked my emails as my phone buzzed next to me. The screen read, "Selena G." and I felt my heart begin to race. Why in the world was I so nervous at just seeing her name flash across the tiny screen of my iPhone? I needed to get a grip and quick. Selena has been my assistant for almost three months and I never felt this way towards any other assistant I had.

I sighed and opened the text message.

From: Selena G.

Um, we need to talk.

To: Selena G.

What is there that we need to talk about? And do you realize what time it is?

I replied trying to make it seem like I wasn't too interested in what she needed to talk to me about so bad but not even a minute later I got a message back.

From: Selena G.

Yes, I realize the time and sorry if I'm bothering or disturbing you. I just have been thinking about the proposition you offered earlier this morning. I've decided to help you.

My heart was beginning to race at Nascar speeds when I read that message. She wanted to help me now all of a sudden? Where had this come from just a few hours ago she was laughing in my face and telling me that she couldn't help and after I practically begged her something Harry Edward Styles does not do for anyone.

Selena's P.O.V

I spent an entire hour sitting in the middle of my bed in deep thought unable to concentrate, I had Harry and his proposition on my mind and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get him off my mind. I went through the pros and cons of the situation.

Falling For Him | ✓ | editingWhere stories live. Discover now