29 | Falling For Him

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Chapter twenty-nine | Falling for him

The next morning, I roused from my sleep feeling refreshed and in good mood. Harry still laid next to me fast asleep, his arm still draped around my body as he snored lightly.

Shifting, I rubbed my eyes as I felt Harry arm tighten around my waist and I rolled over to see his bright green eyes now wide open staring at me.

"Good morning," He said groggily, smiling revealing his dimples.

"Good morning," I replied, offering him a small smile.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, as he prop himself up on his elbow.

"Actually, good. This bed is so comfortable,"

He chuckled as he stared at me, not saying a word. He brought his hand up to my face, pushing a stray hair from my face before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. Which sent sparks exploding through every vein in my body.

"I don't think you realize what you're doing to me, right now." I whispered, my breath uneven as he pulled back staring down intently at me.

He gently pushed me on my back and leaned over me, "I want you." He said confidently, before he kissed me again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, but he then stopped when my hands reached for his pajama bottoms. I needed more of him.

"Wait–" He said, breathless. "Is it safe for the baby if we—"

Harry asked the question hesitantly as he stared down at my barely visible baby bump.

I nodded, reassuring him.

"I've been reading a few baby books and I read in one of the chapters that it was perfectly safe," I said, honestly and he smirked happily.

With that he pulled the shirt I had been wearing above my head and tossed it to the floor and I doing the same with his. I needed him and now.

He kissed me once more before he pressed his lips gently to my neck and I bit my lip enjoying every moment of it. His breath brushing across my skin sending shivers up and down my spine.

---Harry's P.O.V---

A while later, Selena laid sprawled on top of my chest in a deep sleep. I was rather tired myself, but couldn't quite sleep at the moment. It may seem awakened but I found myself watching Selena while she slept.

Earlier had been amazing, she had been amazing. I honestly hadn't felt this away about anyone before, there was something about Selena that just made me act dumb around her. There was something about her that just made you want her she was beautiful, smart, funny and a tad bit stubborn but I loved that about her.

I was in mid thought when I felt Selena shifting in my arms before she rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times. Opening her brown eyes, she looked up noticing me staring down at her and my face burned in embarrassment.

Get yourself together styles, I thought to myself annoyed.

"Hey," She said, sweetly.

Falling For Him | ✓ | editingWhere stories live. Discover now