25 | Falling For Him

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                                                 Chapter twenty-five | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

Entering the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and eased down on the stool by the islands counter, with only my thoughts and throbbing headache for company.

There was a life growing side of me, I thought to myself. However, my thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell and I sighed before opening the front door to Demi standing on the porch, with a box of Tim Horton's donuts and coffee in her hands.

Usually, that would excite me but the sight of food made me queasy I couldn't hold anything down lately.

"I brought treats!" She said, overly chipper. "I have approximately an hour and half before Harry notices I'm missing from the office," She added, as she stepped past me and I closed the door behind her.

Demi sat on the sofa across from me as she placed the donuts and coffee on the coffee table in front of her and pushed the box of donuts in my direction.

"Want one?" She asked.

"No thanks, I'm still unable to keep anything down right now." I replied, with a sigh.

"Right, what happened at the doctors today? What did they tell you?" She questioned curiously.

"Well, I discovered some pretty earth shattering news, today." I said softly, trying to figure out the best way to tell my best friend I was pregnant. I never told her about that night Harry and I spent together, I'll admit I was slacking as a best friend to her.

"What's this so-called earth shattering news?" She chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee.

I remained silent for a moment unsure how to come out with this. I ran my fingers through my hair frustration and sighed.

"Selena, seriously, you're scaring me right now." Demi sat up, now concern. "What's going on?"

"Dem, I'm pregnant!" I blurted, not wanting to prolong this any longer and Demi's eyes went wide as her mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"W—What? How? When? Who's? Why wasn't I informed you had even got that serious with anyone?" She asked, in complete shock.

"I—It's Harry's," I stumbled out, with a shaky voice.

In this moment, reality had set in more than it had earlier and before I knew it a wave of tears came pouring from my eyes. Instantly Demi wrapped her arms around me as I cried. It was something about hearing me say those words myself that made it that much more real.

"Does he know?" Demi asked, after I had regained my composure and I shook my head lightly.

"What in the world was I thinking?" I sniffled, "He still has feelings for his ex and—"

"Hey, even if he decides he doesn't wants nothing to do with this child; remember I'll be with you through this every step of the way you're never alone." She stated and a smile spread across my face as I hugged her. "Now, do you know what you want to do? Or where you're going from here? I'll support you no matter what decision you make."

I nodded, "I'm definitely keeping the baby, I don't have the heart to ever harm the child," I answered honestly.

She smiled, "You'll make an amazing mom and myself the best darn aunt around," She teased, and I laughed wiping my tear stained face. "Also, I'm going to leave it alone for today but I want to know when you and the boss man hooked-up like seriously! You've been keeping me out the loop for a while now," She added.

Falling For Him | ✓ | editingWhere stories live. Discover now