22 | Falling For Him

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Attention: Hi there, friends, I'm the worst I it's been what three months since my last update on here? Ugh. Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone's New Years and Christmas was awesome! Also, thank you so much for almost 100k reads. You guys are amazing and ROCK! I know the beginning of this chapter starts off slow but it gets better (at least to me), I'm kind-of proud of this chapter lol

2016 © All rights reserved

Chapter twenty-two | Falling for him

Selena's P.O.V

When five o'clock rolled around, I was happy. It had been a long busy day, and I was excited to go home and just relax in a nice hot bubble bath.

I gathered my things, shrugged my sweater on and headed out of my office toward the elevator but as I past Harry's office I realized it had been nearly two hours since I saw him. After I cancelled all his meetings and calls for the day he left in a rush and without saying a single word. I couldn't help but wonder where he had disappeared to as I exited the building. However, I shook my head I didn't want to think about Harry this was my first night in a while without being bothered by him and having to lie to his family.

Finally reaching the parking garage, I spotted my Jeep Wrangler and unlocked the doors hoping into the driver's seat happily. I shoved the keys into the ignition and shifted into drive, and headed towards home.

The moment I walked through the front door of my loft, I kicked off my heels and sighed in relief. Entering my bedroom, I walked into my master bathroom and ran some bath water as I added a bit of lavender bubble bath.

Once the tub was filled, I sunk into the hot calming water allowing myself to relax. However, the doorbell rang ten minutes after I had got into the bath and I groaned aloud.

When I got out of the bath, I quickly wrapped myself in robe and tied the belt securely around my thin waist before heading toward the front door. Who could be visiting me right now? All I wanted was to be alone for once was that too much to ask right now?

I yanked the front door open, annoyed but froze staring in confusion when I noticed Anne standing on my porch. There were bags in her hands and a smile spread across her face.

"Hi Selena, I'm sorry, were you busy?" She questioned, in concern.

"I—I was in the bath, I wasn't expecting you." I stated, honestly.

She was the last person I wanted to see, I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry, dear. Did you want me to come back later?" She asked.

Sighing, I wanted to shout yes but being the person I am I couldn't turn her away since she'd come this far to visit me. I lived a good forty to fifty minutes away from Anne.

"No, no, come on in." I said, stepping aside so she could come in as I shut the door for her to come in, "Make yourself at home I'll be right back I just need to get dressed,"

"Thank you, take your time," She smiled, glancing around my loft happily.

I rushed back into my bedroom and got dressed quickly in a pair of gray joggers and plain white t-shirt before walking back into the living room where Anne sat on my sofa.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, what's inside of the bags?" I questioned, curiously as I eased down on the chair across from her.

"Once again, I'm sorry to interrupt your bath but I have been doing some shopping and couldn't help but stop by Baby's 'R' Us and spoil my grandbaby." She chirped, overly excited and instantly my mood changed.

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