36 | Falling For Him

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Chapter thirty-six | Falling for him

July 4th

One month, four days later.

"Sleep well?"

Harry asked this as we laid tangled up in each other arms. It was just after ten o'clock in the morning, and I was too cozy and comfortable to even move.

"Eh, it's becoming a bit more difficult to sleep considering she likes to move more at night now." I answered.

Harry leaned over beside me and tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear,  and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked, with a arched brow.

"Nothing," He replied, shaking his head as the corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile and he kissed my forehead. "We should start getting ready for Gemma's get together."

"Do we really have to right now? Can't we just stay in bed a little while longer?" I whined, playfully pouting at him.

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid not, baby. I told her we would help set-up this morning for tonight." He said before exiting the room.

It was July fourth, and Gemma and Louis were having their first family get together in their new house for the holiday. Sighing, I sat up and took a rather quick shower and wrapped myself in a soft white towel after I stepped out before getting dressed.

Looking in the mirror, I straightened my hair and put on some light make up before putting on a bright red sundress and a pair of nice red sandals.

"Are you ready, Selena?"

Harry questioned, walking into the room in a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a American flag t-shirt looking very handsome as he leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm ready babe." I said, giving myself one last glance over before coming out of the en-suite.

"Alright, let's get going. Gemma has texted me at least five times in the last three minutes." He sighed and I simply laughed grabbing my phone.

With that being said, Harry grabbed his keys, and phone from the night stand and headed down the stairs with me in tow. Harry helped me into his car, and we headed towards Gemma's house, which wasn't that far from ours at the most it was about a twenty minute ride.

When we got to Gemma's house, she was already standing outside assisting Ariana in hanging a few decorations outside the house.

I nearly screamed when I spotted her standing on the porch out front. I had pretty bad headache, which seemed to come out of nowhere and I honestly did not want to put up with Ariana's games today.

"Hey, Harry. Hey, Sel!" Gemma chirped, as she approached the car and opened the door for me.

"Hi Gemma," I smiled warmly as I struggled out of the car and wrapped her into a hug. "Everything is looking so nice out here."

"Thanks," She smiled. "Now come on we only have a few more hours to get everything done." She added, grabbing both Harry and I's hand and dragging us towards the house.

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