27 | Falling For Him

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A/N: Another attempt at posting, I'm not sure you can see it if you can comment or vote so I know :-)

2016 © All rights reserved

           Falling for him | Chapter twenty-seven

Selena's P.O.V

I was standing in front of a mirror, eyeing my stomach. It was becoming obvious that I was pregnant, which both terrified and excited me. It wasn't something that everyone would notice just a small bump. I was currently twelve weeks, which was two and half months long.

Sighing, I pulled the shirt over my head, tossed it onto the bed and grabbed another one. It was red shirt that fit loosely over my mid-section. Even though it was a small bump, which was barely noticeable, I noticed it and it terrified me that soon I wouldn't be able to hide it.

Usually, I wouldn't obsess over finding an outfit. But, Anne had invited me to some family get together she was throwing at her house today. I honestly preferred not to go and just lounge around the house in my pajamas, however, Harry had literally got on both knees begging me to accompany him.

After looking myself over once more, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and slipped on a pair of red converse. Harry would be here soon and he was a bit impatient sometimes.

Harry showed up exactly ten minutes later, and rung the doorbell. I grabbed my house keys before I rushed to the front door and opened it.

"Hey, you two ready to go?" He asked, with a small smile as I opened the door.

"Nope, we'd rather stay here while you suffer through a family gathering," I stated.

"Selena, come on, I won't be able to survive this gathering without you. Let's just say I don't get along with my family," He said, "Besides, my mom called me this morning and made sure I was bringing you along, with me." He added, with a cocky smirk.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, following him to his car.

When we arrived to Anne's house, I was more nervous than ever. I just wanted to sit in the car the entire time but Harry made sure that didn't happen as he practically pulled me out the car and to the front door.

The door came swinging up a few seconds later, Anne standing on the other side of it.

"There you two are I was beginning to worry. You're late." She said, "Come on in," She added, motioning for us to come inside.

"Sorry mom, I had a few things I had to do before getting Sel,"

"Of course," Anne said, sounding annoyed. "Anyway, how are you feeling sweetie? How's the little one?" She asked, focusing her attention on me as she placed her hand on my mid-section and her eyes widened. "You've finally popped,"

I cringed at those words and Harry whirled around, with eyes widened. Harry had no clue I was even beginning to show my last doctor's appointment was last month and then I wasn't showing. I started to show out of nowhere this week it was as if it were overnight and technically to Anne I should have been showing, I was two months behind what my fake pregnancy was. Which meant to Anne I was four months pregnant.

I simply nodded, "Yes,"

Anne smiled, "When is your next doctor's appointment? I want to be there."

"It's in two weeks," I replied and she nodded, taking her phone out and added it to her calendar.

"Okay, enough chit-chat, let me introduce you to the family." She said as she grasped my hand and pulled me away from Harry who just shrugged in my direction, mouthing 'sorry'.

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