7 | Falling For Him

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Chapter Seven | Falling For Him

Harry's P.O.V

I stepped off the elevator searching for some place that was serving drinks here in the hotel I needed one desperately. I had invited Selena to tag along but she had rejected my offer, which I wasn't upset about I actually preferred to be alone right now. It was still bothering me that Gemma had invited Ariana to the wedding knowing what had happened between us. Sighing, I continued my search until I spotted a bar & lounge near the back of the hotel and walked in.

Sliding into the first empty stool I could find I noticed I had captured a few of the females sitting around the bar attention but ignored their hungry stares as the bartender approached me with a smile on her face.

"What would you like hun?" The woman questioned, she looked to be in her mid-twenties with brunette colored hair and brown eyes, which she was batting at me as she leaned against the counter.

I had been sitting at the bar for a little more than an hour now-tossing shot after shot back-and I wasn't going to lie I was completely plastered. I stood up, stumbling trying to regain my balance and headed towards the exited deciding I had, had one too many drinks and needed some rest, I don't know why just hearing Ariana darn name did this to me. I hated her. She had literally snatched my heart out and ripped it in pieces right in front of my face.

Stumbling into the elevator I pressed the 5th floor button leaning on the wall barely able to stand. When the elevator dinged on the 5th floor and the doors opened, I staggered out approaching my room and unlocked the door. I made my way to my bed sitting on the edge and kicked my shoes off not bothering to turn on the lights and stripped out of the dress pants and button up shirt I had on and decided to sleep in my boxers. I was going to be paying for my binge drinking in the morning and I was positive about that.

Crawling under the white comforters is when a felt bare skin. Without even looking, there was no doubt that someone was in my bed and about to be knocked out with whatever I could grip on the nightstand. I grabbed the first thing that felt heavy-turned on the light-and my heart dropped when Selena sat up startled and screamed tumbling out of the bed landing roughly on the carpeted floor with a thud.

Why the heck was Selena in my bed? I thought to myself.

"W-Why the heck a-are you in my b-bed?" I slurred out as Selena stood to her feet in nothing but an oversized shirt and yanked the comforter off the bed covering herself with it. Which, she looked hot in but quickly shook my head that was not something I needed to be thinking about right now.

"You idiot this is my room! The better question would be why you are in my bed!" She snapped, angrily emphasizing the word 'my'.

"W-What?" I stumbled over my words taking a look around the room before gasping. She was right I was in the wrong room. "I-I'm sorry, I thought I was in m-my room."

Selena's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully in my comfortable bed when I felt someone's bare leg brush against mine, catching me by surprise, I immediately jumped up startled and tumbled backwards out of the bed hitting the floor roughly on the carpeted floor. Groaning, I rolled over and stood to my feet to see Harry sitting there in my bed staring at me then I realized I had only had on a long t-shirt and yanked the comforters off the bed covering myself.

"W-Why the heck a-are you in my b-bed?!" Harry slurred, angrily. Was he drunk right now? I thought to myself but ignored the thought remembering I was only in an oversized shirt and yanked the comforter off the bed covering myself with it.

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