31 | Falling For Him

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Chapter thirty-one | Falling for him

Harry's P.O.V

Pulling into my mother's driveway, I parked quickly and cut the engine before both Selena and I climbed out of the car, emerging into the chilly, California air thick with the incoming storm.

We hurried up the front steps of my mom's porch and rung the doorbell as the low rumble of thunder filled the air. It took all of five seconds for my mom to appear in the doorway, a warm smile spread across her face.

"Good evening, you two," Mom greeted us, hugging me then turned to Selena, doing the same. "Come on in," She added, motioning for us to come inside at the very moment it begun to pour down heavily.

"Hi Anne, how are you today?" Selena asked, as we walked into the living room, settling down on the sofa around the coffee table.

"I'm doing well, thank you," Mom answered, happily. "Why don't you two settle down on the sofa and I'll get us some water."

Nodding, we did as she said, and she went into the kitchen to make us two glasses of water.

It didn't take long for her to return with our beverages and sat them on the small coffee table in front of us.

"Thanks, mom."

"No problem," She said, before easing into the arm chair beside us. "So, how was the appointment? Is the baby doing well?" Mom asked, overly excited.

"The baby is healthy as ever," Selena said, happily. I'll admit I got a little excited anytime we talked about the baby.

"Yes, the baby is growing like a weed. We brought some ultrasounds pictures of the baby for you to see." I spoke a bit excited as Selena handed her the envelope with the ultrasound pictures in them.

Mom pulled one of the ultrasound pictures from the envelope and stared at it for a long moment before a wide smile begun to radiate across her face.

"Oh, wow. My grandchild is beautiful," She beamed, continuing to observe the image.

However, the smile that had been once across her face had turned a bit more serious as she finally looked up from the image in her hands.

"I think you two should start planning the wedding as soon as possible." She stated, placing the ultrasound back into the envelope. "You two need to get married before the baby arrives,"

Selena instantly fell silent and her brown eyes widened in surprise and shock as she looked at her nearly choking on the water she had been drinking.

Dragging in a deep breath, she ran her fingers through her hair in frustration before speaking. "O-Oh, u-um, I think we should hold off on the wedding," She said, softly.

"Yeah mom, no need to rush the wedding. Besides, planning a wedding in a month's time would be incredibly stressful and Selena doesn't need the stress right now it's not good for her or the baby. And our primary focus should be on the baby right now." I blurted quickly, wanting to avoid this subject. I had never told my mom about us calling off the fake wedding because I hadn't wanted to be break her heart.

Sighing, she nodded. "I guess you're right,"

There was idle small talk between us about the baby and random subjects until somewhere around five thirty and both Selena and I were beginning to get tired.

Standing to my feet, I stretched. "It's getting late and we should probably get going," I said as I grabbed Selena's arm gently helping her to her feet.

"You're crazy if you think I'm allowing you to drive home in this storm, Harry." Mom responded, with raised eyebrows.

"Mom, I've driven in rain plenty of times."

"It's not happening, Harry." Mom said. "Yes, you've drive in the rain before but not with both your fiancée and unborn child inside. Call me overprotective but to be safe you two will just stay here tonight."

"Are you kidding me right now?" I laughed, humorously.

"I'm not kidding, honey. Why don't you two take the guest bedroom?" She stated, firmly. "You two can go settle in. Gem has some old clothes in her drawer for Selena and you know where you can find your old clothes."

"Fine, we'll stay tonight but first thing in the morning I'm out of here." I huffed, before grasping Selena's hand and leading her up the stairs.

---Selena's Point of View---

Approaching the guestroom, I walked into the room feeling rather exhausted as I took a glance around the room, which looked more like a five-star hotel room.

"Why don't you go hop in the shower and I'll bring you some fresh clothes from Gem's room." Harry said, softly before leading me toward the ensuite bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, I turned on the water and stripped off my clothes. I spent a good amount of time inside of the shower before I shut off the water and grabbed the nearest towel. I stepped out of the shower and noticed a pair of pajamas on the counter and a new tooth brush on the counter. Harry must have come in at some point placing them in there.

I quickly got dressed, tied my hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth before emerging back into the room. Harry had also changed into a pair of sweatpants and plain grey t-shirt as he sat on the bed staring at the television.

"Thanks for the clothes," I thanked him.

"No problem," He spoke, before yawning.

Crawling into the bed, I snuggled under the comforters as Harry shut the television off and doing the same yawning once again before turning toward my direction.

"Come here," He said, his words quiet.

I scooted closer toward him, and he wrapped his arm around my waist placing his hand against my rounded belly. My heart fluttered with excited as I placed my hand over much larger ones. I snuggled closed to him feeling safe in his arms and loving every bit of being cuddle by him.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry questioned, curiously.


"I want you to move in this me." He said and I opened my eyes staring at him.

"W-What? You want me to move in...with you?" I repeated, with wide eyes.

"Of course, you know I love you and you love me too and I mean we're having a child together."

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't have asked it if I didn't mean it, babe." He smiled, leaning over and kissing softly on the lips. "Selena Marie Gomez I want us to be official and for you to move in with me."

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Yes, of course."

He sighed, in relief. "For a minute there I thought you were going to tell me to screw off and no." He chuckled before pulling me closer toward him as we snuggled once again. I rested my head against his chest and it didn't take long for us to fall asleep.


A u t h o r s n o t e:

Short chapter :-(

I know I say this all the time and a lot but I don't like this chapter but I kept forgetting what I had written the first time so I had to keep changing it around but this is more a filler chapter I guess. I don't know I just don't like this chapter. Anyway, hopefully you guys liked it if not I understand it's not the best.

XOXO | Sydney_Sheridan

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